The Silverleaf Company


High Command

  • Leader (High Warden): The head of the Silverleaf Company, responsible for overall strategy, decision-making, and representing the group in diplomatic matters.
  • Council of Elders: A group of seasoned and wise members who advise the High Warden. They provide counsel on various matters, including strategy, ethics, and long-term planning.

Command Structure

  • Field Commander: The officer in charge of leading the mercenaries in combat and tactical operations. Reports directly to the High Warden.
  • Captain of the Guard: Oversees the training and discipline of the mercenaries, ensuring they are prepared for various missions. They work closely with the Field Commander.

Specialized Units

  • Mercenary Core (Silver Blades): The main fighting force of the company, consisting of skilled warriors, scouts, and specialists. They are divided into squads led by Lieutenants, who report to the Captain of the Guard.
  • Arcane Council: A group of magic users, including mages, druids, and clerics, who provide magical support, healing, and tactical advantages in battle. They are led by the Arcane Master, who coordinates with the Field Commander and Captain of the Guard.

Support and Communication

  • Envoy (Public Speaker): The face of the company in public dealings, responsible for negotiating contracts, managing public relations, and ensuring the company's reputation. The Envoy reports directly to the High Warden and coordinates with the Council of Elders.
  • Quartermaster: Manages supplies, equipment, and logistics. Ensures the company is well-provisioned for missions and maintains the quality of gear.
  • Healers and Medics: A group responsible for the medical care of the members, led by a Chief Healer. They provide immediate care during missions and longer-term healing as needed.
  • Scouts and Spies (Shadow Leaves): A unit specializing in reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and stealth operations. They report directly to the Field Commander.

Administrative and Support Staff

  • Scribe: Keeps records of the company's activities, contracts, and history. Also responsible for maintaining communication with clients and allies.
  • Treasurer: Manages the finances of the company, ensuring funds are allocated properly and paying the mercenaries and other members.


The Silverleaf Company is a progressive and egalitarian group rooted in wood elvish traditions of justice. They oppose monarchies and authoritarian regimes, advocating for self-determination and protecting communities from exploitation. The company values inclusivity, treating all members as equals and fostering a culture where diverse perspectives are respected. They prioritize ethical considerations in their operations, supporting causes that promote freedom and equality, making them a force for positive change.

Public Agenda

They aspire to end the suffering of those struggling under the oppressive regime that the world monarchy enables. One of their goals is to dissolve the monarchy completely.


Isen, though born human, shares his body with three wood elf liches. Growing up he’s always leaned progressive thanks to the liches possessing him, convincing him to fight for justice when the town he lives in is rather conservative and human-centric. Eventually he was inspired to create a guild of mercenaries with a cause- knowing that many in Maefyzer would be willing to fight for what’s right.   To get the money needed to make the group happen, he hired mercenaries that became part of the group to help him steal from nobles. With the extra money they received they were able to build their own fortress and disperse the rest to those in need. They’ve become one the largest wood elf groups in the world, with even factions in other continents like Symilf and West Jyalb.

Silver Leaves, Golden Deeds

Adventuring Party
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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