
The Tsiiq people have been displaced from their homes several times throughout history, through a combination of geopolitics and natural disasters. Their original home, in the Tsiiq Valley, was flooded in 2974 after the river which ran next to it was diverted through it by the newly formed Korotian government. Since then they were forced to move several times, either by more powerful people groups or from problems with the land itself.   By 6534 they were divided, around a quarter living in the small nation of Little Crel, around half in the neighbouring region of East Crel Onar, and the remainder in the to-be-independent city-state of Occrea. However Little Crel was destroyed by an earthquake during Occrea's transition to independence and many made the Tsiiq people into a scapegoat for the after-effects on the rest of the region.   Throughout history the Tsiiq people have repeatedly been ostracised, scapegoated, oppressed or prejudiced against in one form or other. While modern Occrea has made a name for itself as a place which welcomes all, even those from other planets, that wasn't always the case and there are still anti-Tsiiq tensions within the state in some areas. Most Tsiiq live in Occrea today, but for those who have never been able to escape Crel Onar's governance, life is almost as tough as the unfortunate extraterrestrial residents of the nation.   Living in Occrea is challenging for Tsiiq on another level, as they were always a traditionally rural community. When the fall of Little Crel resulted in the expansion of the Dragon Gulf, making East Crel Onar uninhabitable, the surviving Tsiiq all had to decide whether to abandon their traditional ways in favour of legal protection from discrimination or move to a different part of Crel Onar, where they would continue to be treated with hostility at the very least, outright persecution at the worst. Those that moved to Occrea, either at the time or since, have done their best to adapt their customs to the urban environment.   Those who lived in Occrea prior to independence, was as a result of their villages being swallowed up in the city's expansion. This happened at a time before Occrean officials were considerate of the impact on ethnic customs and traditions, and protests from the Tsiiq community were ignored as their land was built over and their homes forcibly brought in line with city regulations, which often involved a heavy amount of demolishing. However in the years prior to independence, the Occrean officials made efforts to make peace with the Tsiiq over the injustices against their ancestors and negotiate protections in law.


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