Dragonborn Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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  When the Chosen rose against the Tyrants, the metallic and gem dragons of Mistral offered their assistance. They scattered their scales and imbued them with their breath, giving rise to a species of draconic warrior that fought alongside the mortal races and the Gods' champions.   These draconic warriors were given the name Dragonborn. After the fighting had settled and the Tyrants were defeated, they found themselves without purpose. Instead of roaming endlessly, they decided to follow the lead of the other mortal races and places to call home.

Kingdom of Aakazh

The warriors with metallic scales settled in the eastern desert known as the Scorched Fields. These dragonborn valued the strength of their ancestors, and named their civilization after the mightiest of the dragons who created them. Thus the Kingdom of Aakazh was born.  

Emirates of Ines

The other half of the warriors, those whose scales resembled jewels, ventured to the Nianech Icelands in the far north of Ishval. They settled cities around the crystalline shards of ice, using the geothermal heat that the shards created to warm their homes. Though the journey between them is treacherous, the gem dragonborn will often brave the frozen landscapes to ensure that the bonds between settlements remain strong.

Basic Information


Dragonborn were modeled after their ancestors, and appear as dragons in humanoid form (sans wings). They are tall and strongly built, often standing close to 6½ feet tall and weighing 300 pounds or more. Their hands and feet are talonlike claws with three fingers and a thumb on each hand.

Biological Traits

The dragonborn in Mistral don't follow the PHB standard. Instead, choose either Metallic or Gem ancestry from Fizban's Tome of Dragons and build your character using those options.   The blood of a particular dragon might run very strong through some dragonborn lines. These dragonborn often boast scales that more closely match those of their dragon ancestor, and are viewed to be more powerful warriors than their duller brethren.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Metallic dragonborn have their own names for their brethren. They are especially important to those raised in Aakazh, where its considered a sign of respect to refer to another dragonborn by their Draconic title.
Scale Colour Draconic Title
Gold Aurak
Brass Baaz
Bronze Bozak
Copper Kapak
Silver Sivak

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Scholars from different civilizations have speculated that dragonborn with gem scales may possess increased potential for the arcane arts, due to the relationship between gems and magic on Mistral. For this reason, the Ines dragonborn are much more wary of outsiders than their desert cousins, and are less likely to venture away from the north.
120 years
Geographic Distribution

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