Gemforged Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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  Gemforged are a new addition to the world of Mistral, with the first models having been invented only a decade ago. While the first gemforged were mindless automatons created to assist with Eskan mining operations, unexpected fluctuations in the Weave and magics which animated them have resulted in the constructs gaining sapience. Their creators fought for the race's freedom, and much back and forth it was decided that they would be allowed the freedom to leave Eska, if they so wished.   For most of their existence, gemforged had a clearly defined function and were encouraged to focus purely on that role. As a result, many still struggle with their newfound freedom and find themselves sticking with what they know - the darkness of the mines and feeling of rock breaking beneath their hands.
Being nearly unheard of outside of Eska, and a relatively new concept to the world, many are still uneasy at the idea of gemforged having sentience and freedom. While some societies are fascinated by them and wish to study them further, others refuse to accept the gemforged as people. They see the constructs as little more than tools created by the Kingdom of Eska - and fear what they could be used for, if they fell into the wrong hands.

Basic Information


The more a gemforged develops its individuality, the more likely it is to modify its body, seeking out ways to customize the look of its face, limbs, and plating.

Biological Traits

Gemforged are made from wood and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion. They are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials and infused with gem magic to give them life. The precise materials and build of a gemforged vary based on the purpose for which it was designed, but each possesses a fake heart. This "heart" is a jewel or crystal, heavily infused with magic that is the source of their animation.

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