Genasi Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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  Occasionally, a mortal is exposed to a surge of raw energy or finds themselves residing in an area of elemental power. Elemental energy saturates them, and might alter their nature enough that they're transformed into a new genasi. Sometimes they remain mortal, and instead their offspring are born as genasi.   In some cases, the elemental magic may lay dormant for generations. A genasi could be born to parents who have long forgotten the tales of their great-grandparent's adventures. No one is entirely certain what causes genasi to appear in dormant bloodlines, but some followers of Torarae think of it as a sign or blessing from the Waverunner herself.

The Jewels of Mistral

Though it is exceedingly rare, some earth genasi possess crystalline skin or gems embedded into their flesh. This manifestation of elemental influence is considered a divine blessing due to the relationship between gems and magic on Mistral.   These rare individuals are treated with reverence and seen as being naturally gifted in the arcane arts. Unfortunately this also leads to some dangers - there are those who believe that these "natural gifts" can be passed on or stolen. For this reason, some earth genasi will hide their features or conceal their true nature in an attempt to pass as another race.
120 years

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