Goliath Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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  When the war against the Tyrants began, the giants of the north created copies of themselves to fight alongside the Chosen. The stone and fire giants created vessels, shells that the cloud and storm giants imbued with their magic. The frost and hill giants trained the newly created soldiers in the art of war, and the brutal race known as Goliaths were born.   Once the Tyrants were vanquished, the goliaths returned to their home in the ice and snow. Their giant spirits could not be tamed, leaving them to wander the bleak realm of ice and cold in nomadic tribes.


Goliath tribes are prone to arguing over who is the mightiest, the toughest, the closest to their giant creators. Often, this results in tribes claiming direct lineage from a specific giant kind - whether it be frost, storm, or even hill. They strive to embody the "best" traits of the race and choose clan names that reflect them.

Basic Information


The patterns on a goliath's skin are a keystone of their culture. Their folklore says that their creators imbue a goliath's fate within their markings at birth, and there are shamans who spend their whole lives perfecting the art of predicting fates based on birthmarks. As a result, changing or altering a goliath's marks is taboo - after all, nothing good ever comes from trying to rewrite one’s fate.

Biological Traits

Only one trait is slightly modified for goliaths on Mistral.


You have resistance to cold damage. You're also acclimated to living in harsh climates. Whenever you find, harvest, or create food and rations, you receive double the normal amount.
80 years
Geographic Distribution

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