High Elf Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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High Elf

In the world of Mistral, high elves live reclusive lives on the southern Isles of Morning, in towering marble spires glamoured to look like crystal. They hold a deep respect for magic, particularly of the arcane variety, and much of their culture centers on its study and use. 
Although high elves favour the arcane, they don't neglect the divine and most high elves are deeply religious. The majority focus their worship on Melios and Ydros, but if one were to look they could likely find a high elf for each facet of the Mistral pantheon.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Some high elven Spires offer to take in any children who show a proclivity for magic, bringing them into their schools and teaching them the ways of the arcane. Other, smaller spires reject non-elves and prefer to keep their teachings private.
350 years
Geographic Distribution

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