Hill Dwarf Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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Hill Dwarf

The hill dwarves of Mistral differ greatly from their mountain cousins - they hold no fondness for sequestering themselves deep underground, instead choosing to settle on the surface in small, agricultural communities. Their life above-ground has fostered a culture that values the natural world around them, and the dwarves of Yshval in particular tend to place heavy emphasis on living in harmony with nature. 
Hill dwarves have not forgotten their skills of stonework, but they do not have the same fixation on clan structure that their mountain brethren do. They typically don't recognize any sort of nobility or royalty, instead looking to family elders to make important decisions for their villages.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hill dwarves are more friendly than their reclusive, mountain cousins. They get along especially well with stout halflings, often living in villages alongside them on the southern sections of both Yoth and Ishval.
350 years

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