Lightfoot Halfling Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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Lightfoot Halfling

The halflings of the Whisper Woods have a different view toward necromancy than most societies in Mistral - their access to blood amber and their war with the blood elves has resulted in a society where necromancy is viewed as useful, and even necessary. They prioritize functionality above all else, even in death, and frequently will raise their dead to be used as soldiers and labourers in their villages.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Lightfoot halflings and forest gnomes work side by side, fighting against the wild elves in a centuries-long battle over who are the rightful settlors of the Whisper Woods. They harbour a long-standing hatred for the wild elves, often referring to them as savages who are incapable of intelligent discussion.
  Races living outside of the Whisper Woods are hesitant to engage in trade with the forest gnomes, lightfoot halflings, and wild elves. They do not want to get involved with the skirmishing there, and often avoid contact with the races involved as a result.   Wood elves and firbolgs sometimes view lightfoot halflings with disdain due to their penchant for necromancy. They find the practice wasteful and aren't afraid to say it.
200 years
Geographic Distribution

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