Stout Halfling Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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Stout Halfling

The comforts of home are the goals of most stout halflings' lives: a place to settle in peace and quiet, far from marauding monsters and clashing armies; a blazing fire and a generous meal; fine drink and fine conversation. Most of these halflings live out their days in remote agricultural communities, surrounded by their families and living out their days in peace and quiet.
Stout halflings live in small, peaceful communities with large farms and well-kept groves. They rarely build kingdoms of their own or even hold much land beyond their quiet shires. They typically don't recognize any sort of halfling nobility or royalty, instead looking to family elders to guide them. Families preserve their traditional ways despite the rise and fall of empires around them, and the stoutfolk try to stay separate from any politics as a result.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Stout halflings try to get along with all other races, but are especially close with the hill dwarves. The two races often live in villages alongside each other, on the southern sections of both Yoth and Ishval.
200 years

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