Triton Species in Mistral | World Anvil
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Tritons believe themselves to be guardians of the sea, living in cities far beneath the waves and holding back the horrid beasts that lurk in the deep. Their settlements perch on the edge of yawning trenches, at depths so frigid that land walkers rarely visit.   Their isolation and sense of self importance leaves tritons with a haughty and arrogant attitude toward the surface races. They see themselves as heroes and bastions against the dark, and they expect other creatures to treat them with absolute respect.

Pompous & Haughty

In recent decades, many tritons have grown conceited. Quite a few of the nobility believe that they are superior to the surface dwellers, and outright refuse to allow "drylanders" into their cities. They believe that their position as "protectors of the deep" places them in higher esteem, and that those who have never peered into the depths are cowards and weaklings.    Some of the more extreme naysayers believe even the sea elves to be beneath them, as they willingly associate themselves with the surface world. These extremists are considered hypocrites, however, as triton outposts still engage in trade with the sea elves for resources from the surface that they cannot get themselves. No one dares to call them out, but many sea elves roll their eyes at the self-righteousness of their deep sea cousins.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tritons have a variety of slang terms to refer to those who walk the surface world. Here's just a few for inspiration:
  • Drylander
  • Mudsucker
  • Flatfoot
  • Sunlicker
  • Parched
200 years
Geographic Distribution

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