The Book of Creation - Prophecy of the Bell Document in MISTRAL | World Anvil
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The Book of Creation - Prophecy of the Bell

The Book of Creation


Prophesy of the Bell

  Take note, you mortals, both sort lives as well as long lived, for these are the words of the Goddess of Creation.
Upon thee I will call one day. Heed my call and stand before me with knowledge, bravery, wisdom and your very soul.
I have made thee, I can unmake you just as easily.
Stand before me, show me your wishes and your dreams.
Show me all that is you, all that you hold dear.
  Creation demands for change.
Change demands for life.
Life demands a soul.
  Heed my call and stand before me, show me your soul.
Many will hear the call.
Many shall try to answer, but many will fall.
Yet Change must be.
Change shall be set into motion.
  Creation needs inspiration
Inspiration needs experience
Experience needs time.
  Guidance you shall not receive, for creation shall be your own.
Possibilities shall be granted and strewn about.
The choice remains with you, yee mortals.
Rise to the challenges
Conquer or avoid, flee or persuade
It matters not
The result shall reflect thee.
  Creation is motion, everchanging.
Motion always passess by.
Never standing still.
  Look up, look around
Look inward, look outward.
It matters not
Thee shall be the guide.
I shall only be thy tool.
  Be aware, the Bell
For however patient I may be.
The Bell shall ring for thee
And thy offers shall decide
When I look upon your choice
  The Bell shall be the last yee hear. The Bell shall be the first yee hear.
  Stand before me at the sound of the Bell
Stand with me at the ringing
Step forward when the Bell stops.
  Let me witness you all
Let me love you once more
Let me give you all
  Do not forsake the sound of the Bell
Do not forsake me.

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