Cheveux Et Plumes

(Potion, very rare)   A small dark brown glass bottle, filled with a dark red wine. The label indicates that it is from the Wizard of Wines winery. It seems very old. The wine inside is thick, and sweet, almost sickeningly so. Legend has it that this wine was the first variety produced by the Martikov family, when it took control of the Winery from the Krezkovs.   There is one serving of wine, in this bottle.   Lycanthropic Quickening. When you drink this wine, you gain the following benefits, for 10 minutes. • You can sense when you are within 60 feet of anyone suffering from lycanthropy, of any kind. • You gain a dexterity score of 15, unless yours is already higher • You are proficient in acrobatics and perception • Your speed increases by 10 feet

Negative effects of Barovian Drinks

  Intoxication, When consuming this wine, roll a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw. On failure, you have disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks for 1 hour.   Each additional instance of consuming any wine or Brandy within the hour adds +3 to the Constitution Save DC.


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