Red Dragon Crush

(Potion, uncommon)   A brown glass bottle, filled with a very drinkable and sweet red wine. The label indicates that it is from the Wizard of Wines winery. It seems very old.   There are two servings of wine in this bottle, which must be consumed within 24 hours of uncorking, or the remaining servings lose their magical properties.   Jammy Vigor. When you drink this wine, you may spend up to half of your total available hit dice to regain hit points.   When doing so, no hit die may roll a number half of its maximum value (for example, a d6 hit die may not roll less than 3). If such a roll happens, roll that die again. This wine has no effect on curses.

Negative effects of Barovian Drinks

  Intoxication, When consuming this wine, roll a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw. On failure, you have disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks for 1 hour.   Each additional instance of consuming any wine within the hour adds +3 to the Constitution Save DC.


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