Anoa Barbarians Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Anoa Barbarians

The Anoa, or the Green Demons, are an aggressive nomadic tribal nation that inhabited the deep forests north of the Anoth River to the Jahl Mountains in Orbaal. Many foes threaten them, the Jarin lords of Leriel, the Orcs of Diaffa, Ejatus, and Amekt, and especially the Ivinian conquerors of Lorkin.

They number around 50 tribes of around 70 to 120 members, which frequently move to a new location every few weeks to avoid their many enemies. They survive by hunting, gathering, and fishing from the Anoth River system.

Most Anoan males are expert woodsmen and dye their skin with a dark green dye extracted from the Uthwyll berry to aid in camouflage. They typically carry spears, axes, and bows and wear hide armor. More recently, some tribesmen have acquired good quality weapons from their more civilized neighbors, mostly due to raids. They are the master of guerrilla tactics, specializing in hit-and-run and ambushes. Their weapon of choice is the bow which they wield with deadly accuracy.

Some men are initiated into the shaman brotherhood. These preserve the Tribe's oral history through elaborate poems. They are skilled in divination and dealing with their creations of their god K'orr, the with Ivashu.

The woman are given the tasks of raising children, gathering, and cooking.


The Anoth Valley is well known to be the land of the green demons. They also have claimed the south bank of the Anoth River which occasionally bring them into conflict with the relatively peaceful Taelda barbarians. Despite this, violence is rare and both tribes have cooperated in battling orc incursions.


The Anoa worship Ilvir, who they call K’orr, and have a great reverence for the Ivashu, his creations. Throughout the Anoa territory are carved wooden idols of K'orr and his children. These shrines play major roles in the tribal mythos.

More recently, many Anoans have begun to accept a more “sophisticated” vision of their deity. It is possible they are being influenced by Clerics or missionaries of Ilvir.

The Anoa bury their heroes and chieftains in the barrows at Gedan, at the Lodge of a Thousand Souls.

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
The Green Demons
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Related Ethnicities

Anona Tribal Range

Cover image: Forest Header by Attacus


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