Ivashi Language in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil


Ivashi is a divine language created by the God Ilvir for his monstrous children. Most Ivashu can speak, and those that can’t or have limited intelligence can understand it.

To humans the language is a chaotic mixture of spoken words punctuated by clicks, humming, gasping, whistling and another vocalisation. It can be spoken by humans but never expertly and occasionally some information is lost.

Writing System



Time is expressed by humming and the language includes colors which humans can't perceive.   Expression of numbers are series of clicks and whistles.   Elemental forces are such as fire(hot), ice(cold), earth, acid, light, darkness, lighting, wind and thunder are indicated by changes in in pitch


There are no words for sex or anything related anything related to male or female.   Uses 20 different words decribing running and hiding.   Words relating to taste and smell are the same.

Cover image: by Jarin Header


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