Kabloqui Barbarians Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Kabloqui Barbarians

Some of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games.

The Kabloqui, or The Abandoned their language, are a small tribal nation of fewer than 800 people divided among semi-hostile 36 roving bands.

They are among the most primitive of the Harnic Barbarian Tribes, considered by most as degenerate cannibals, trapped in the stone age.

Preyed on by the nearby Orc Kingdoms and slave collectors from the Thardic Republic the Kabloqui are likely heading for extinction.


The Kabloqui live in small nomadic loose, somewhat inbred family bands of 20–30 members.

Kabloqui in every band are divided into two groups:

Mequaneki (the strong)

The male hunters and warriors. They collectively make all important decisions and choose a leader from among their number.

Kebanaki (the weak)

The old, crippled, children, and women who have no part in decision making. They have no power and are generally treated harshly. Only the ever-present threat of ending up eaten by Orcs keeps the Kabloqui society together.

Public Agenda

Life is harsh for the Kabloqui living on venison and berries during summer and ice fishing in winter. They are skilled at smoking excess meats for lean times. They occasionally practice cannibalism.

Like the Equani, the Kabloqui males practice the Aka Hajar facial branding, although to a lesser extent. All warriors have at least a bear, orc or human skull brand on their face.

Bands are mutually hostile, raiding each other for food and women.


The Kabloqui are descended from the Equani Barbarians who live north of the Rayesha Mountains. Their oral history tells of a great rebel chief or prophet who fled across the mountains, to the "great water" with his supporters after a failed attempt to unite the tribes.

The tribe prospered and assimilated Shira, Komii, and other tribesmen fleeing the growing Corani Empire. They lived an isolated, peaceful existence peacefully until the Orc tribes moved into the northern mountains in the second century, who preyed on them at will. The Kabloqui started to decline, turning to a skulking nomadic existence.


They occupy the lands along the Dygu River between the Rayesha Mountains and Lake Benath. They show little interest in expanding their range for moving to a safer location.


Warriors use spears, clubs, and javelins.

Armor is fur or leather.

Elite warriors may use rusty metal weapons.

Technological Level

Kabloqui tool-making skill is poor. Clothing is miserable quality animal hides, and weapons mostly are made of stone and wood. Captures metal weapons and armor are considered valuable treasures and jealously guarded, but are usually in poor condition.


The Kabloqui have no priests, shaman, or gods. They believe in a primitive form of animal worship but show little respect for the spirits of the wild, believing that they have been abandoned by them.

Dancing with Skulls

The Kabloqui have few common traditions, with the Dancing With Death rite of passage being of note.

Young men who believe they are ready to become Mequaneki prove their worth by leaving the tribe in small bands and surviving in the wilderness until they return with three heads: a Bear (or other suitably large beast), an Orc, and a Human. Once the skulls have been acquired, the surviving band members attended a ceremony with the tribe where they dance around their trophies and receive their distinctive facial brands. They are now accepted among the tribal leadership or the Mequaneki.

Foreign Relations

Equani Barbarians

The Equani loath the Kabloqui. Those thats try to reestablish contact with the Equani are swiftly killed.

Thardic Republic

Thardic slave traders prey on the Kabloqui. They are seen as good gladiators and mine workers.

Orc Nations

The Kabloqui are seen as a souce of food.

Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Kabloqui Tribal Range

Cover image: Forest Header by Attacus


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