Melderyn's Eldritch Period

The Eldritch Period is one of the strangest and mysterious periods in Hârns history, taking place on the Islands of Melderyn. It occurred between just before the Battle of Sorrows and ended at the start of Melderyn’s five Kingdom period. During that time, the Kingdom of Melderyn was a chaotic but mostly peaceful mix of dozens of petty states and domains.

The ethnic makeup on the Isles of Melderyn during this period was mostly Jarinese mixed with recently assimilated Lythian immigrants, and possibly a residual of the very mysterious People of the Dusk.

Wizards Kings and other users of magic controlled the island, influencing its technological, social, and cultural development. Secret arcane societies and modern magical practices developed during this period. However, the first Mages of the Kingdom of Melderyn may have deliberately concealed knowledge from this time period.

The Age of the Wizard Kings

The legendary era between 650 and 200BT.

Cover image: by Attacus


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