Session 004 - Burglary at the Tailors Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 004 - Burglary at the Tailors

General Summary

Date 21 to 22 Nuzyael 720TR (Spring)

On returning to the Stake Inn Yureb finds a note slipped under his room door, a message from his criminal contact Rowe (a.k.a Rotten Apple in Thieves Cant). The next day Yureb meets with Rowe and is offered a Burglary Job.

The Contract.

Break into the Rewarding Weavings (maker of bulk uniforms of sometimes questionable quality) and steal a painting of Emperor Medak the Impaler (with various impaled people in the background).

Yureb enters the Rewarding Weavings via a hole from the basement walls of a neighboring Physician's Surgery.

After some searching he finds evidence of an unused old shrine in the tailor's basement, but no indication of who it was dedicated to, as all religious paraphernalia had been removed. A secret door opened to a vault with a stone sarcophagus, a room not used for many years and possibly forgotten about. A magical death trap symbol was set on the floor, and Yureb set it off, but fortunately, its potency had diminished over time, and it only drained some of his life-force. The tomb appeared to be dedicated to one Drakrus the Corruptor, and an unnerving evil aura permeated the room. Morgathic symbolism were everywhere. Yureb decides to leave well enough alone and go elsewhere.

He finds the business owners office, breaks in avoiding the trap then grabs the painting as per the contract, plus most of the nearby valuables. However, on the way out he is surprised by a guard investigating a suspicious noise. Feigning surrender, he tricks the guard and activates the nearby trap knocking him out. After ensuring that the guard is not too badly injured he makes his escape.

Yureb then contacts the nearby Church of Peoni, meets with the non-judgemental Matron Aggatha, who he tells of the presence of the Morgathic crypt and soon forces from the Churches of Larani and Peoni move to deal with the evil crypt.

The next day Yureb hands over the painting to Rowe, and they celebrate a job well done.

Rewards Granted

Yureb gained level 3.
Finally, he is able to reliably use some of the magical training learned from his mentor Elzoldor the illusionist, becoming an Arcane Trickster

Missions/Quests Completed

Successfully stealing a Painting of Medak the Implarer from the Rewarding Weavings, without any loss of life or capture.

Character(s) interacted with

Matron Aggatha, Priestess of Peoni.

Rowe, Criminal Contact.

Created Content


A few days after the burglary the owner of the Rewarding Weavings, Hobarn Laeron, offers a 200sp reward for information leading to the identity of the thief.

Drakrus was a senator and Morgathic adherent who was convicted of gross corruption around 630TR, a rare event for the ruling class in Coranan. He disappeared shortly after lodging his appeal to the Senate.

Rowe informs Yureb that the Church of Morgath is furious that one of their shrines has been purified. They have been sending the word out among the poor to identify the thief.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
21 Oct 2018
Primary Location

Significant NPC Interaction

Rowe, art by Paizo


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