Session 017 - Lost Crypts Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 017 - Lost Crypts

General Summary

Date 10 to 14 Larane (5) 720TR (Summer)

The story so far

One hundred fifty years ago Clan Chusselrin became fabulously wealthy due to its highly profitable vineyards and winery. The party has been employed by a descendant of the Chusselrin's to find out how they did it, and does it have any connection to the mysterious Earthmaster artifact, the Heart of Tondran?

Months ago the heroes explored the long-abandoned Chusselrin Estate and found a technologically advanced wine press. Quazzy using her alter-ego Ziggy pays the local hunter/trapper Bruni to watch over the ruins, refer to Session 09.

Meanwhile, Athena learns that the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang are causing chaos in the poor districts of the city and plans to investigate.

Athena hears of an ongoing disturbance likely caused by the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang and confronts the warriors. They claim to be searching for some tenements buildings for the hidden base of the Order of the Red Shadows of Hepra. Athena was able to defuse the situation, possibly too easily. However, she feels she may have missed something important.

A few days later Quazzy's alter ego Ziggy's receives a poorly spelled message from Bruni, the huntsman he asked to keep a watch over the Chusselrin ruins.

Master Ziggy

This not is too let you now that some men have been searching around the ruins, mostly on the hill just too the east. Militarty types look tuff.


The party decides to investigate with the wine merchant Jehan Chusselrin covering expenses.

The group travel to Telen and find out from their friend Orman Ronsen at the Black Forge smithy that a week ago they had equipped several mercenaries along with a shady looking character. They then travel through the marshlands returning to the Chusselrin ruins. On the way, they were ambushed by a small pack of Vlasters who were co-operating with a rather cunning and stealthy troll. Yureb was badly mauled however no eyes were lost.

The Manor ruins showed the presence of temporary occupation and a trail leading east. Following it, they find the long lost Chusselrin family Crypts. Approaching the ground erupts in an explosion of dirt and mud, then an earth elemental emerges. This threat is eventually dealt with and then the characters enter the crypts.

The heroes are immediately attacked by two skilled well-equipped mercenaries supported by a thief striking from the flank. Also in the crypt is Parson Chusselrin a distant relative to Jehan Chusselrin and a skilled wizard. While Athena and Yureb battled the mercenaries and thief, Quazzy starts a magical duel with Parson who attacks Quazzy her worst fears. The battle ended with Parson's brain being torn apart then Athena and Yureb killing the mercenaries and the thief, Kalin, surrendering.

Interrogating Kalin and reading Parson Chusselrin's journal the heroes learn that the Chusselrin family disowned his Great Grandfather and he recently inherited his ancestor's memoirs. These mentioned a powerful artifact said to be hidden in the family crypt. He hired some local mercenaries and led an expedition to investigate. There were no details on what the artifact was.

The Kalin explains he was only contracted to assist Parson and Yureb releases him. Kalin gives Yureb his contact details in the City of Shiran if he ever needs to make contact.

After some investigation, Yureb finds a secret passage which opens up into a hidden chamber with a sarcophagus covered in strange glowing moss, a statue of Larani and a large metal bound chest. The moss attacks with strength draining tendrils which are eventually eliminated. Now the party has an opportunity to rest and investigate.

To be continued next week.

Rewards Granted

Parson Chusselrin spellbook.

Some good quality armor and weaponry from the mercenaries.

Character(s) interacted with

Several members of the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang

Jehan Chusselrin, Wine Merchant.

Orman Ronsen, Merchant at the The Black Forge smithy.

Parson Chusselrin, Illusionist and distant relative to Jehan Chusselrin and killed by Quazzy.

Two mercenaries killed by Athena and Yureb.

Kalin the Rogue, a thief for hire based in the City of Shiran.

Related Reports


Players Character Status

Athena - Level 6 Paladin of Vengeance - Gained Level.

Yureb - Level 6 Arcane Trickster - Gained Level.

Quazzy - Level 4 Necromancer and Level 2 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen - Gained Warlock Level.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
27 Jan 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

NPCs meet

Jehan Chusselrin, Wine Merchant


Jehan, art by Artbreeder

Cover image: Forbidden Pathways by Attacus


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