Session 119 - Dancing in the Fire Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 119 - Dancing in the Fire

General Summary

30th of Savor (Third Month of Autumn) 722TR

The story so far

The Heroes are raiding a small temple of the god Agrik in the backwater village of Boreth. They are searching for the Upprisa Shroud. This corrupted holy artifact of the Goddess Peoni is being used by the Order of the Eight Demons to create the disgusting Shroud Ghouls.

They have little time as an alarm has been raised. After barricading the doors into the temple, they have made their way down a trapdoor into the chambers below.

The continuation of Session 118 - Shroud of Pain.

Location - Boreth Abbey in Themeson District in the Thardic Republic.

Part 1 - Passage of Flame.

The Heroes search the underground chambers under the temple finding a ceremonial antechamber. The entrance is guarded by a spear trap, which Avon triggers, but a thorough inspection turns up nothing of interest. Sabretooth wreaks the room and finds a suspicious pattern of wear in the dirt in an adjoining passageway. This leads to a well-hidden concealed secret door but no obvious mechanism to open it. He tries to use his Hru Statuette to enter into the rock wall but finds the stonework too thin to merge with; it must be fake. Using a nearby statue as a battering ram, he and Avon easily smash through the door.

The passage beyond is rough and the floor covered in the sand, leading to a small chamber with a stone platform. Resting on it appears to be the Upprisa Shroud.

Avon sneaks in. His feet pass over a stone tablet concealed under the sand. The tablet was inscribed with a strange rune that flares, and a vaguely humanoid fire creature appear above the platform. Avon stealthy moves forward, activating four more of these magical traps, summoning four more Fire Wraiths. The Heroes engage and step on the remaining summoning tablets. All up, they battle eight of these fiendish elementals.

Sabretooth throws a vial of holy water at them, misses but its splashes on the Upprisa Shroud. The Agrikian symbology and various filth on parts of the artifact boiled and then rinsed off, revealing symbolism representing the goddess Peoni. As the battle intensifies, Avon hears someone upstairs attempting to break through the barricade. The Fire Wraiths are eventually dispatched, although Sabretooth who took the brunt of their attacks, was severely burned. Then the barricade in the room above collapses.

Part 2 - An Old Acquaintance.

Aperani Sephira, art by Attacus
Avon quickly checks upstairs to assess the situation. He sees the Order of the Eight Demon Priestess Sephira, two acolytes, a Cohorts of Gashang Knight and two guards plus three rough-looking civilians entering the temple. Aperani Sephira immediately recognizes Avon and demands to know what a Red Guard agent is doing here, and more importantly, where is her former lover Ricon? Ricon is one of Acheron's alter egos.

A chaotic brawl starts with the Sephira, an acolyte, and the warriors entering the underground chambers to combat the Heroes. The other acolyte is sent to a nearby settlement for reinforcements. Throughout the battle, the Acheron and Sephira banter with the Priestess demanding to know who sent the Party. Acheron implies that it was on order from someone in the Senate. Although Sephira is convinced that this raid was politically motivated, the lie falls flat when the Acheron tells her that this was the order of the famous Marshal Kronas. Sephira does not believe him. The Marshal is well known to despise the Red Guard. The sentimental Acheron does not want to kill her. However, given the obvious desecration of the temple, she is not be so generous.

The tide slowly turns the Heroes' favor. They kill the knight, the guards, and then the acolyte; however, Sephira magically causes Avon to be inflicted with an intense, debilitating pain that roams randomly over his body. She then creates two blasts of fire that envelope the Heroes and sets their hair and clothing alight, granting her an opportunity to escape as they frantically put out the flames.

Part 3 - The Pursuit

The Heroes flee into the wooded hills. A detachment of the Gerium Legion from the nearby Fort Racatten, led by a skilled woodsman, pursue them. The Heroes try a series of cunning tricks to escape, leaving false trails, traveling through difficult passes, hiding and nearly succeeding. With the Legionaries closing in, the mobile Avon breaks cover and creates a distraction. He leads them away then evades the slower-moving soldiers allowing Sabretooth and Acheron to make their escape. However, he loses his way in the hills over the night, and by the time he rejoins his friends, word of the raid has spread.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

Priestess Sephira.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated 8 Fire Wraiths.

Defeated 1 Eight Demons Priestess, 1 Acolyte, 1 Cohort of Gashang Knight, 2 Cohorts of Gashang Warriors, and 3 local thugs.

Escaped pursuit from 7 Gerium Legionaries and a scout.

Related Reports

The Argent Order.

Shroud Ghouls.

Order of the Eight Demons.

Order of the Cohorts of Gashang.

Faragen Figurines for the Hru Statuette.

The Red Guard.

Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - Level 6 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - Level 5 Ivashu Lord Barbarian, Level 3 Monk, and Druid level 1 - Gained Druid level.

Avon - Half-Elf - Level 9 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
10 Jan 2021

NPC Companion


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Chameleo, art by Attacus

The Argent Order

Argent Order, art by Attacus

Order of the Eight Demons

Eight Demons, art by Columbia Games

Order of the Cohorts of Gashang

Cohorts of Gashang

Cohorts of Gashang, art by Columbia Games

Gerium Legion

Gerium Legion, art by Columbia Games

Cover image: by Attacus


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Jan 15, 2021 20:17 by MrGunn

Another session report, yay!

Part 1 'Sabretooth wreaks the room and finds" what is wreaks, is it a typo?

Part 2 Why did the PCs uncover all the fire wraith tablets at once, would it not have been easier to avoid them altoghter or activate and destroy the wraiths one at a time?

Part 2 Did they at least recover the shrouds?

Part 2 Rikon, you cheeky boi, I got your lover right here missy... ;P

Part 2 Uh oh, they dissed their potential ally Kronutz... with that lie thingy, best to be vague when lying (SP?) Wondering if old Kronutz will cotton on and what he consequences will be?

Part 2 The villianess escapes! I love it when the villianess gets another go.

Part 3 Pursuit Ack! They have the legion chasing them, suddenly this is taking a hard turn, the PCs are going to be on a lot of most wanted lists after this. Oy! I know you, you are that lot what attacked that temple. Oh, you are in the deep mates, you best be moving along before I call the authoriteies! or PCs walk into the tavern, couple of locals whisper whisper, leave, 20 minutes later a captain of the guard and a few legionaries in tow enter. Oy, you lot! Come with us, we have a few questions that need answering! *thump* *thump* *wham*

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]
Jan 16, 2021 00:20 Private

The hidden tablets - The Heroes choose to use their actions to attack rather than search the sand. They started cautiously, only moving over known safe areas and looking for patterns but soon fell apart.   Thardic law is quite strange, and I not sure where that will go. At this stage, the PCs appear only a bunch of bandits viewed from a distance and maybe some vague descriptions from the village. Only one person, Sephira, knows their names, so the Eight Demons will have to consider dealing with this carefully. Some big political factors in play and the very paranoid Eight Demon organization are not sure if this is part of a greater conspiratory (the players did an excellent job of creating confusion). Avoiding embarrassment with the Azerayani pontiff embassy will be a factor.