Session 212 - Pirates Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 212 - Pirates

General Summary

11th Agrazhar (Third Month of Summer) 724TR

The story so far

The heroes have voyaged to the Earl of Sarkum's Colony on the Island of Anfla, where Remy is hunting down his former business partners, the Bloody Flag Pirates.

This malicious band of cutthroats may be using magic to wreak and pillage shipping off Kanday's west coast. The heroes think they have found their hidden base.

This is the continuation of Session 210 - Sealing A Witch Away.

Location - Teac Bay, Northern Anfla Island.

Part 1 - The Second Shift

The characters have captured a lookout over Teac Bay, killed its guards, and evaded discovery. Unfortunately, the guard shift is about to change, and two more pirates are making their way up the counterbalance elevator to the lookout. They are ambushed and quickly knocked out.

Remy recognizes one guard from his smuggling day, Sheamus, a true rogue. Suitably cowed, Sheamus tells Remy that there is an alternative entrance to the pirate's cave from the beach, and it is lightly guarded. There are only around 25 pirates led by Captain Peyton Cowley, and over half the crew will be sleeping. Leaving the captives suitable bound, they make the way to the beach-side entrance.

Part 2 - Drunken Pirate

The characters find the cave entrance two hours before dawn. They sneak in, killing a bored guard before he can shout a warning, then hide his body.

Next, they enter the complex's central cavern. This has many interconnecting passages and a dock with access to the sea. In it is moored the Crimson Reaver with three pirates working on deck. The characters sneak past them into a dark side passage encountering a drunken guard next to a sturdy door. They quickly murder him. However, during the brief skirmish, Remy magically pushes him back into a stacked pile of firewood, which makes a racket as it collapses. This alerts nearby pirates who check out the disturbance.

Quickly Remy poses the body, making it look like he was accidentally killed by falling firewood, but this is futile. The three pirates spot suspicious cuts and injuries, so the characters pounce, hoping for quick silent kills. They fail, and the alarm is sounded.

Part 3 - Prisoners

Armundus Barsynd, art by G-mang
The three pirates are quickly dealt with, and Remy creates a destructive, Sickening Radiance field, blocking a major thoroughfare. Unknown to the heroes, this splits the pirates into three separate groups. One on the ship and a second group (including the first mate) is trapped in the armory. The most significant group includes the captain and sleeping quarters.

The characters check out the sturdy door and find it is a prison containing Lord Armundus Barsynd, his wife Emylna, and son Hervi. After finding the keys, they release the family and escort them to the cave entrance. This is not without risk. The pirates on and sleeping in the ship emerged, blocked their way, and put up a fair fight before being cut down. The heroes get the family to safety, but this allows time for the remaining crew to wake and rally.

Part 4 - Chaos Erupts

Peyton Crowley, art by Attacus
The party fight a chaotic battle against Captain Peyton Cowley and his crew. The evil pirate captain is a deadly marksman. Only Abaddon's evasive talents keep him alive.

Remy cheats, throwing Fireballs into the crowded pirates, scorching them badly. Eventually, their numbers dwindle, and Abaddon runs across the pirate ship and leaps into the chamber containing the enemy, quickly killing four with his study staff. Captain Peyton is made of sterner stuff. He takes careful aim and shoots his crossbow again. Abaddon is too close and can't dodge, falling to the ground with a grievous injury.

Captain Peyton leaps up with his sword to Abaddon's neck, offering an opportunity to parlay. Ignoring the overture for peace, Odin risks it all. With his longbow, he takes careful aim and shoots an arrow at the pirate's head. He narrowly misses then casts spells that improve his mobility. He draws his sword charges the pirate captain while Remy distracts him with a Magic Missile. The tide has indeed turned, and the Captain fearing for his life, attempts to escape. Odin applies healing to Abaddon and the duo race after him down. He is quickly killed.

However, where is Remy's old "friend and rival" Smokey Burton, the cunning illusionist? The heroes are exhausted, and the battle may not be over.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sheamus the Pirate.

Lord Armundus Barsynd, Lord of Idister, his wife Emylyna Barsynd and son Hervi Barsynd. Lord Armundus is a vassal of the Baron of Sumon.

Challenges Overcome

Capture or killed 15 Pirates, including Captain Peyton.

They rescued Armundus Barsynd and his family.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Nothing this week.

Player Character Status

Odin - Human - Level 5 Gloom Stalker and Level 2 Fighter.

Abaddon - Elf - Level 7 Open-hand Monk.

Remy - Half-Elf - Level 7 Bladesinger.

Games of the Gods - Campaign On Hold
Report Date
30 Jan 2022

Cover image: by Attacus


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