Session 221 - The Missing Knight Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 221 - The Missing Knight

General Summary

29th to 30th Azura (First month of Autumn) 724TR

The story so far

The heroes intend to deliver a cursed golden torc to what is hoped to be its rightful owner, Sir Beroldus Himaldy, the Lord of Derula Manor. The group looted the priceless relic from an ancient burial site hidden on the knight's lands.

This is the continuation of Session 219 - A Sticky Situation.

Location - Derula Manor, Earldom of Sarkum, in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 1 - The Missing Lord

The party arrives at Derula and makes their way to the moated manor house where two vigilant guards question them. Unfortunately, Sir Beroldus Himaldy is off hunting and has not returned. He is over a week late.

Troll art by kory Lynn Hubbell.jpg
Shageiros, art by Kory Lynn Hubbell
Questioning the anxious guards further, they learn that her ladyship, Sir Beroldus's wife, has not sent a search party because too many strange things have been happening at the manor. Over the last week a monster, possibly a troll, has been spotted spying on the village and its residents. The ugly brute matches the description of Shageiros, the troll servant of the mad Priest of Ilvir, Xantosa.

Why is Sir Beroldus so late, and what is the troll up to? The heroes have already acquired the only artifact in the village that would interest the mad priest (refer to Session 185 - The Eye of Obsidapor).

Sir Beroldus often uses the ruins of Norgara as a camp for his hunting expeditions. So the party decides to travel there to start their search for the wayward lord.

Location - Norgara Ruin, Earldom of Sarkum in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 2 - An Old Friend has Visited

Entering into Norgara ruins, the characters notice an old marble shrine. Before they can inspect it, they spot movement. Two bizarre and rare Ivashu appear. The Matharics are shaped like small tree trunks, on three stout legs, with three eyes on stalks and six long tentacles. Their tentacles whip around the heroes, catching Abaddon and slamming him against a wall. They are tough fighters. The heroes have to dodge and weave to avoid a similar fate; however, the weird Ivashi are slain.

Examining the ruins, the characters find bloody fragments of human remains, a broken bow, and arrows. This belonged to Sir Beroldus's huntsman.

The shrine is interesting; it was originally an elven monument, repurposed into a shrine dedicated to the god Ilvir. Crude representations of all manner of Ivashu have been added to more ancient and intricately carved depictions of forests and vines. The side of the shrine has been recently damaged by what looks like fire or an explosion. This has opened up a cavity, and something has been removed, one of the body parts of the Crab-titan Obsidapor perhaps?

The heroes find no more clues, so they investigate the wider area. Where is the missing knight?

Part 3 - A Rocky Cave

The party head up to the nearest hill to get a good view of the area. On the way, Remy spots several broken branches and gouge marks on the ground. The heroes also find the tracks of a large humanoid, a troll. This leads to a wide-mouth cave. The heroes cautiously enter.

Sir Beroldus, art by Artbreeder
The cave is dark and damp, and the heroes find Sir Beroldus attached to a wall. The stone wall appears molded around to his arms and legs. He is in a bad state, covered in wounds, pale, emaciated, and breathing heavily. As the characters approach large boulders to break free from the walls and slam into them, these animated rocks are dangerous. Sir Beroldus wakes up from a daze. Remy can't help himself, "How goes the hunt, my lord," he asks. The injured lord responds in a weak voice, "Look out for the Hru."

Although the boulders are resilient, they are eventually shattered. Then one of the larger rocks transforms into a 10ft tall vaguely humanoid rock giant, a Hru. It strikes with hammer-like blows and creates rock slides. Ultimately, it is destroyed, and Sir Beroldus is freed.

Xantosa, art by Artbreeder
He tells the party over a week ago, as is his tradition, he camped at the Norgara Ruins. He noticed the old Ilvirian shrine was damaged and, after a closer investigation, found that some form of fire magic damaged it. Noting the residue of brimstone, he assumed this was the work of some Agrikian cultist. Concerned, he was about to scrutinize it further when another party arrived at the camp, the priest of Ilvir, Xantosa, and his troll servant. The priest conjured the Matharics, and his huntsman was murdered, crushed by their tentacles. He fought but was subdued by the Troll and dragged away to the cave. There he was interrogated for several days. The irate priest also believes that Agrikians had broken into the shrine and had taken something he wanted. The Troll questioned him intensely about Agrikan worshipers and whether he knew of any in his village. He, of course, said no. The good people of his Derula village are devout Peoni and Larani worshipers. The Troll lost interest in him some time ago, and he has been left to starve.

Location - Derula Manor, Earldom of Sarkum, in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 4 - Knighthood

Back at Derula Manor, Sir Beroldus makes a rapid recovery and is extremely well disposed to the heroes. Remy gives him the golden torc, explaining that he had found it in his adventures, and it rightfully belongs to his family. The lord does not ask for further details, possibly aware that there are ancient burial sites on his lands, and graciously accepts the artifact.

Sir Beroldus is in the characters dept and asks the heroes what he can do to repay their bravery, saving his life and supplying him with a priceless relic. Odin's response stuns him. "Can you make me a Knight"

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Several guards and townsfolk at Derula Manor.

Sir Beroldus Himaldy.

Challenges Overcome

Captured 2x Matharics.

Destroyed 1 x Hru and 3 x Animated Rocks.


When Remy delivered the torc to its rightful owner, he felt a burden be lifted. He gained +1 to Dexterity.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Kingdom of Kanday.

Player Character Status

Odin - Human - Level 5 Gloom Stalker and Level 3 Battlemaster.

Abaddon - Elf - Level 8 Open-hand Monk.

Remy - Half-Elf - Level 8 Bladesinger.

Encounters and Events

Session 221 Map.PNG
Games of the Gods - Campaign On Hold
Report Date
13 Mar 2022

Clan Himaldy

The ancient ruling family of Derula Manor.

Clan Himaldy, Art by Attacus

Cover image: by Attacus


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