Session 235 - A Watery Doom Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 235 - A Watery Doom

General Summary

23th Morgat (Third month of Winter) 724TR

The story so far

The heroes are investigating a magical anomaly in a flooded section of the City of Shiran. This is a potential gateway to another world or plane of existence.

This is the continuation of Session 234 - The Cut.

Location - City of Shiran in the Thardic Republic.

Part 1 - Magical Loot

After dealing with the Hydra, the heroes continue to investigate the caves finding more ancient remains of previous explorers, likely the mysterious Concave of Eder. They find a magical Conch Shell which enhances hearing at a distance and a wand tipped with blue-green crystals. This is later identified as a Wand of Sea Spray.

At the end of the caverns, they find another series of Elven script and symbols. This opens an entrance to a deeper section of the caverns.

Part 2 - Murdering Fish

As the explorers enter a warren of water-filled passages they note many strange fish swim about. They also spot a series of holes along the walls of the passages and suspect that something may be lurking within. They are correct. A dozen Giant Moray Eels emerge. These catch Avon and Moneypenny in their vise-like bites; however, Jolanta uses her Staff of Cryptan Seaweave to Control Water and forces the water away, leaving the poor fish floundering on the now dry ground quickly dispatched.

She also used the same trick on strange eyeless Shark-like creatures. The heroes find an exit but decide to explore the caverns further before entering.

Two Water Elementals lurk in the caverns, and soon the heroes cross their path. They put up a good fight but are forced to return to their plane of origin.

Part 3 - Mindwitness

The cave opens to a warm chamber with a large pool of bubbling water. In a far corner is a circular apparatus with a complex pattern of inscriptions. On the ground are long dead skeletons of large reptilian creatures. Blaine identifies them as Ilme, the strange mere-dragons he has encountered previously. The heroes carefully approach.

Suddenly Jolanta spots five magical disturbances. Something or someone is about to materialize. She quickly uses Dispel Magic, disrupts the sorcery, and prevents one creature from emerging. However, four bizarre hovering starfish-like aberrations appear, and each of their tentacles are equipped with an eye. The heroes battle these horrors, some type of ancient guardians. The Mindwitness's eyes emit rays that terrify, stun, slow and weaken the heroes. Although the Party's sidekicks, Blaine and Moneypenny, bear the brunt of the struggle, the terrors are vanquished. However, the heroes are exhausted, having used most of their reserves.

Part 4 - The Magical Seal

Jolanta and Moneypenny examine the magical device. The device has elven inscriptions, which roughly translates to refer to somewhere called the Land of Dragons. A map is inscribed on the top of the device showing a lake sounded by mountains, and in the lake is a large island. Their arcane investigations show that this location is also a Magical Sanctum for water magic. When attuned Water spells and summons will be much more potent.

This place is also a Barasi Point, that leads exclusively to another location or world. Presumably, this mysterious Land of Dragons. Jolanta determines that the device is powered by the focused elemental energy and acts as a plug, significantly reducing the frequency of the Brasai Point opening and random people or creatures on both sides of the gateway from passing across. The magic has weakened over the millennia; however, Jolanta thinks she can repair it and sets about the task. She soon fixes the magical patterns and restores the magic to something close to full strength.

Having studied the site and dealt with the magical and mundane threats, the heroes return to the safety of the city.

NPC Interactions

No one this week.

Challenges Overcome

12 x Moray Eels, 2 x Hunter Sharks, and 2 x Water Elementals.

5 x Mindwitness.

Repaired the ancient Elven Device.


Various minor arcane items.

Created Content


Related Reports

Barasi Points or Holy Groves - Updated.

Player Character Status

Acheron- Human - Level 6 Devotion Paladin, Level 4 Hexblade, and Level 3 Divine Soul.

Jolanta - Human- Level 13 Evoker.

Avon- Half-Elf - Level 13 Thief.

Rise Of A Dark Empire - Campaign Complete
Report Date
22 May 2022

NPC Companions


Avon's able assistant

Moneypenny 4.jpeg

Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos


The Ilme are a strange reptilian race of intelligent mere-dragons with a lifespan of over 200 years. These creatures bear some resemblance to their great dragon cousins, although they do not have wings. They commonly attain a height of 12-foot and a weight of two tons. The two sexes live apart except when mating.

Somewhat cowardly, the male Ilme are frequently bullied and robbed by local orc bands. They will rarely attack intruders but will fight using all of their formidable strength when cornered. However, they usually try to negotiate first.

Female Ilme are much more aggressive and dangerous; they will attack and kill intruders with blood-thirsty ferocity, especially to protect their young.

Cover image: White hand, art by Attacus by Attacus


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