Shield of Belsirasin

Some of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games.

The Shield of Belsirasin is a congregation of the Church of Peoni who specializes in treating with illnesses of the mind and soul. This includes dealing with curses, ghosts, evil spirits, undead, fiendish and demonic agents of the dark churches.

Its members, known as “Shieldmen,” are selected from those demonstrating quick wits and strong will.


The Shieldmen are a sect of the Irreproachable Order, the male-only order of the Church of Peoni.

They usually dress in black robes with a wide belt in the traditional seasonal color adopted by the church. Each has a pendant in the shape of a shield behind a burning candle.

Special Equipment

The Shieldmen use a range of specialized equipment.

Candles of Revelation.

These are consecrated candles which cast normal candlelight. However, their luminescence also reveals ethereal entities within a 20-foot radius.

Candles of Silence.

These are consecrated candles which cast normal candlelight and emits a pungent yellow smoke. This weakens and pacifies weak spirits.

Candles of the Essence of Life.

These are consecrated candles which cast normal candlelight. When a Shieldman channels divine energy, they burn with intense brightness vanquishing ghosts, spirits, undead and all manner of ethereal fiends.

Dream Box

Dreambox, art by Attacus
A small wooden box painted is with Peonian symbols used to capture and contain demons or ethereal monsters.

Game rules - Once an ethereal, incorporeal or evil spirit has been reduced to less than half its hit points the Shieldman can, as an action, attempt to entrap the creature in the Dreambox provided it is within 100ft and he can see or otherwise be aware of its location. The entity must make a Charisma Saving Throw, equal to the Shieldman’s Spell saving throw DC or be immediately be captured. If the entity is reduced to 0 hit points can, as a reaction, be captured with no Saving Throw.

Public Agenda

Heal the mind and soul.

Exorcise evil spirits and demonic entities.

Put the spirits of the dead to rest.


500 and 550TR - The great “Red Death” plague caused much chaos, destruction of social order and death. Many believed it was spread by evil spirits, the servants of the dark gods, especially Morgath and Naveh.

The Shield of Belsirasin were founded in 540TR, by order of the pontiff, to fight this malevolent influence.

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Shieldmen
Notable Members

Character flag image: Shields of Belsirasin by Attacus


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Sep 26, 2020 16:16 by MrGunn

I really like this concept of the dreambox.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]
Sep 28, 2020 04:16

Thanks, I wanted to keep the rules for this type of exorcism simple, but thematic.