The Whale Graveyard

Located a little south of Cape Kobeo in the Eastern Peran Wilderness, this section of the coast has a sinister reputation. It contains an iron sand beach overlooked by a rough, tall cliff face. The beach has many twisted rocky outcrops; however, what is most startling is the dozens of bleached whale skeletons.

The local Kubora Barbarians, the Kobean/Kobeon Tribe, call this beach Hiolta Reiliar and believe it to be cursed. The tribes do not hunt whales and consider them sacred, and the dead leviathans that seem to beach themselves frequently cause them great concern. Their tribal legends speak of the demonic sea witch Iggiala, who sings to the whales, drawing them to the land and their deaths. This is revenge for the Demigod, the Grandfather Whale, spurning her advances.

Although the Kubora avoid the graveyard, when they become aware of trespassers, they will happily butcher them.

Sir Wilfrod, art by Playground
Sir Wilfrod Granfiel, a renowned expert in sea-going leviathans and whales, learned of the site from a Kuboran outcast. He visits discreetly and frequently.

Alternative Name(s)
Hiolta Reiliar (in the Kuboran tongue)
Related Reports (Primary)


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