Yashain, World of the Gods Myth in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Yashain, World of the Gods

Yashain is a plane of existence powered by magic. Many of Hârn’s Gods live here along with various demons and all manner of metaphysical entities.

Yashain is also the realm of the dead. When Hârnians die, they are reborn in Yashain, where everyone is immortal. The nature of this afterlife will depend on which God the mortal worshiped, or their actions and general moral outlook on life. Some souls reside here permanently, while others will stay for time then are reincarnated.

Yashain is divided into kingdoms and numerous petty states. These kingdoms have Gods and Goddesses for monarchs, and demons, demigods, and dead heroes for earls, princes, and barons. Additionally, Yashain has vast areas of unclaimed wastelands and petty domains of all manner of fiends and magical creatures. Some call these realms the Limbo or the Abyss.

The personality of these rulers shapes their realms ecology, geography, geology, climate, and magical properties as well. When one crosses from one kingdom to another, they may well be crossing a definite line between lush forest and stark desert. These kingdoms always seem to be at war, good against evil and chaos against order. Some blasphemous scholars have suggested that Yashain is merely the physical reflection of the dreams, beliefs, and superstitions of the mortal races. If enough people believe a God exists, it will take form and become a part of that world. Priests of all the Gods are united in opposition to this line of thought.

Time on Yashain appears to pass more quickly than on the mortal world.

Features and Locations of Yashain

Tirithor, the Land of the Mighty.

The Goddess Larani rules here. It is an idealized feudal state with fertile land is divided into fiefs, worked by a virtuous peasantry. Demigods and dead heroes are her Barons. Tirithor is constantly at war the realms of Agrik, and the other evil deities as well as all Demon Princes.


The God Agrik huge fiery wasteland realm is immense, named after his might fortress of Balgashang located roughly at its center. His realm is divided between his squabbling eight sons and again split among various Demons and the greatest warriors from among his worshipers. Agrik constantly battles with his neighbors, especially with the lands ruled by or allied with his hated rival, the Goddess Larani.

Durakhar, the Black Pole.

The Morgathian hell emanates evil and said to be an endless maze of tunnels filled with the enslaved dead and other horrific entities. At its heart is the Bukrai, the Orb of Nothingness. Here dwells the insane God Morgath.

The Abyss.

Durakhar is surrounded by the Abyss, an eternally growing chaotic collection of many hundreds of domains ruled by various Demonic entities, such as the infamous Demon Princes and the like.

The Blasted Plains.

This desert realm only major structure is an enormous tower that is continuously besieged by various divine armies. The God Ilvir broods here and creates his Ivashu. This tower is somehow magical joined with his tower of Araka-Kalai on the Hârn.


The Goddess Halea resides in the elaborately decorated crystalline seven level palace of Corsilea.


The bleak city of Kamil, forever shrouded in Eternal Night, is the home to the God of Assassins Naveh.

The Meadows of Valon.

The Goddess Peoni dwells in the enchanted Meadows of Valon where it is forever spring. Valon is an impossibly verdant field of flowers, filled with humble but pleasant cottages, in which peacefully dwell those who have labored hard in life.

Inor Teth.

Inor Teth is the legendary residence of the God Save-K'nor is located on neutral ground and inscribed with the knowledge of all men.


The God Sarajin dwells in his greats Ice fortress Talagaad, in a lightly forested valley surrounded by Glaciers. Nearby stands Meflygur, the tree of the blood of the slain. Mortals who eat its fruit are gifted with immortality and youth.

Maraki Mountains.

A bleak mountain range populated by the honorable chitin skinned Malakta mercenary warriors.

Thale Asari

The small realm of the Demigod Desridaen. His is a mirror reflection of the site of his old forge in Hârn’s Setha Heath.

D&D Integration.

Yashain is an infinite Plane of existence. It contains many of the aspects of the traditional D&D Outer Planes multiverse. All manner of Fiends, Celestials, and anything in between can be found here.

Magic is almost always more potent in Yashain.

Typical enhancements include.

  • Concentration checks to keep a spell when taking damage are made at a bonus of +5.
  • Spells are considered upcast by one level.
  • Spell Durations are doubled.
  • Magical item enchantment bonuses are increased by +1.

Some particular regions will have their specific magical properties. Examples include.

  • Undead will turn to dust in the Meadows of Valon.
  • Fire spells with a duration will last indefinitely in Balgashang.
  • Radiant spells will be suppressed in the Durakhar and Kamil.

Cover image: Orange Sky Header by Attacus


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