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Greger's Grotto|Introduction Report

General Summary

After traveling onboard a ship for weeks or months, a rag tag group of adventurers find themselves in a dark & damp dungeon. Their legs shackled and a burlap bag over their head.

As their face coverings were removed, they saw a large table filled with an assortment of weapons in front of them. They group was instructed to choose a weapon

After some time passed on banter, questioning and general bullshit, they were escourted down the hall and into the arena

You proceed through the tunnel and into the sunlight. The roar of a crowd reaches your ears. This is a makeshift arena inside a deep natural shaft. The bottom, where you stand, is roughly circular and eighty feet in diameter. It is covered in fine white sand and littered with scraps of ruined armor and spatters of blood. The walls of the shaft are near vertical.   Some forty feet up a viewing area has been hewn from the rock; this is where the small crowd of several dozen cheer from. The crowd consists of a diverse mix: mostly humans, hobgoblins and goblins, but some orcs and bugbears too. Over a hundred feet up the walls give way to a clear blue sky.   Behind you, a heavy metal gate slams shut. It’s operated by a winch from the viewing area above. On the other side of the arena is another group of prisoners much like yourself.   A voice bellows from above. “Some new blood to the arena!” It’s a human, a bald man with a thick red beard. He seems to be presiding over this whole affair. He points at your group. “This lot have newly arrived. They’ve not even had the time to unpack and settle into their lodgings!”   The crowd laughs.   “We want to give them every chance to see their new accommodation, so fighting against them are our next newest guests; this lot have only been with us for a few days.”   The man raises his open palm melodramatically. “Begin!” he shouts. The prisoners opposite you look nervous. They hesitate, but after sharing a few nods of grim determination they begin to charge at you.

The group, still chained at their legs, commence in a glorious battle with the opposing prisoners.

The crowd goes wild as several of the heros slaughter the prisoners in grusome fashion.


Upon victory, Gladwin Greger expresses his pleasure on his new slaves and asks for their name.

The goliath shouts that they are known as THE CLOACAS!  

The Cloacas are disarmed of all weaponary and escourted to the prison caves

Rewards Granted

No Rewards

Curse of the Old Gods
Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie
Deandra Reynoldsson
Queso Blanco
Ja' Deite
Player Journals
Day One: Date Unknown, Time Unknown by Deandra Reynoldsson
Session 1 CliffsNotes 1/13/22 by Deandra Reynoldsson
Report Date
14 Jan 2022
Primary Location

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