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Session 11 | Ja' Deite Report

General Summary

Shortly after the battle at on the Prima Donna, Ja'Deite found herself in a black abyss all alone. As she looked around, she heard a voice calling to her. The voice introduces herself as Davine Kylachem, Goddess of Earthsoul. A beautiful goddess appears before Ja' Deite.


Davine Kylachem directs Ja' Deite's attention below as a mountain terrain appears below. There a young Ja' Deite appears, on her knees before a stack of stones. In her hands is a green piece of Jade and a tear flows down her cheek. Davine asks Ja' if she remembers this. Ja' Deite implys she doesn't fully remember. Davine tells her it is time she remember, and she snaps her fingers


Ja' Deite, now a 15 year old girl, stands outside of Stonehearth before her adoptive parents (Nonum Graygrip her father & Kukhorra herMother) along with her sisters; Stronwaeren, Dalotrigaer, Bamrabella and Erirala. Nonum blesses their journey as they are given their namestones and sent up the trail


The Graygrip sisters bicker and argue as they head out of town and up the trail. Exiting the first cavern onto the main path, the come across a group of goblins. The sisters quickly engage in battle with the goblins. Dalotrigaer, unprepared for the journey is sadly killed in combat. The sisters, unable to revive their fallen sister, unceremoniously roll her limp body down the side of the mountain and retreat into the cavern to rest


Born to a great adventure Tia of Silentport. Ja' has never met her mother but was told great tails of her adventures. Her fathers name is unknown but is an Earth Geni that Tia met on one of her adventures. They formed a loose relationship with him visiting several times while on this plane.

Ja' was given to a family of stone dwarfs(Nonum (father) & Kukhorra (Mother) Graygrip) of the town Stonehearth and was raised as as their own along with the Graygrip's other drarven children; Stronwaeren, Dalotrigaer, Bamrabella and Erirala. However growing up different let to her spending long hours alone in the mountains in nature while her older adoptive sisters played within the many canverns further in the heart of Stonehearth.


Stonehearth is a small dwarven town carved into the side of a small mountainwithin the Norma Modins, overlooking the Torringset Sea.


As stone dwarves usually have multiple children around the same age, it is tradition for siblings to train together before setting of on The Proving as the collectivley begin to approach adulthood. Their training will forge their wilderness survival, combat skills as well as sharpen their mind and resolve.


When their training is is complete, it is tradition for the parents to present them with their Namestone, a medium sized stone selected on the day of their birth, hand engraved with their name. This will begin their journey on The Proving. The siblings must traverse the mild path from the North Western point of the Nora Mordins of the ZIngiber Slopes heading through the smaller peaks, SouthEast to the small village of Southstar.

There, the dwarves may spend 2 nights in a local inn before they are to begin the second half of their expidition. The second half is far more dangerous as the mountain range becomes far less forgiving. The temperatures drop as the head to the highest Northernmost peak. There the siblings will stack their namestones together, symbolizing their bond as family. From there, they must head west down the mountain, through the Feywood returning to Stonehearth.

Curse of the Old Gods
Bandito Sane
Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie
Deandra Reynoldsson
Queso Blanco
Ja' Deite
Report Date
25 Mar 2022
Primary Location

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