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Session 13-15 | Back to the Grotto Report

General Summary

Pirate Ship | The Wave Soaked Maiden  

Session 13


Ja'Deite is pulled out of her flashback by the Goddess and informed that The Cloacas need her. She is gifted the multiversal compass and a jade over the shoulder boulder holder. With the Goddess' blessing, she traverses back to her companions.

Ja'Deite returns as The Cloacas attempt to get the googly eyes from The Wave Soaked Maiden and place on The Prima Donna. She appears before them in her Jade Over the Shoulder Boulder Holder, which distracts Dee. Geppetto is succesful in moving the googly eyes, bringing The Prima Donna to life. Dee, composing herself, wastes no time in asking the ship to expell all crew members on board. The crew locate the brumestone in the lower deck of this ship and discuss amongst themselves on how to use it.


Session 14


Ja'Deitie notices that several guards have began charging the ship. She informs her companions that they must flee. Mr. Fresident takes the help of The Prima Donna while Deandra flies to The Wave Soaked Maiden, returning the googly eyes. Placing the eyes on the ship and informing her to take sail, she flies yet again to The Black Pearl. Dee informs the new Captain Jan of the current state of affairs and they decide to flee with their armada to a nearby island to regroup.


Along the way, Bandito makes a daring swing from The Black Pearl to The Wave Soaked Maiden. Upon landing, in true Bandito nature, in only a short amount of time he is making love to The Wave Soaked Maiden as they elevate their relationSHIP.

Dee flies ahead to The Prima Donna to regroup. Ja' Deite looks at the Map she found aboard the Wave Soaked Maiden as they relax aboard the ship. They quickly realize while comparing against the Map of Loralie the Loose that this new map appears to be moving along with the ship. As they discuss how this magical map works, Gepetto reads the instructions on the back of the map "The Map of Maps, Displays the location of the nearest Map


While traveling, Bandito decides to return to The Prima Donna. Asking The Wave Soaked Maiden to take him there, she sails alongside The Prima Donna and begins to absord her. The two ships merge into 1 large ship, a massive Wave Soaked Maiden.


The Armada of ships soon anchor along a nearby island and regroup. Captain Jan comes aboard the newly formed Wave Soaked Maiden. Her along with The Cloacas head below deck to investigate the Brunestone. They place the eyes upon the stone to get info on how to activate. The stone informs them that only an enchantment from the mystical city of Draconia can activate the stone. Jan has heard stories of Brunestones and Draconia but always thought them to be legend, until now. Ja'Deite investigates the island to see that there is smoke coming across the island... they are clearly not alone.


Session 15


The Cloaca's decide to disembark in the evening to explore the new island that Gepetto dubs Gia's Areola. Captain Dee instructs the Wave Soaked Maiden to stay docked and not let anyone aboard. Captain Ren states that they will stay ashore and ready their vessel for battle for 2 nights and 1 day. They will depart with or without The Cloacas on the 2nd day.


Gepetto quickly meets some local chipmunks, Bartholemew & Kevin, who were robbed by Ranger Rick. They join the party as Gepetto leads them into the unknown forest devoid of any path. The forest grows thicker and thicker as they venture on. Ja'Deite carves through the brush with her weapon, finding a path. As they exit the forest, the vines and greenery grow back covering their exit.


The lost party soon finds themselves following Gepetto and battling creatures known as Pangs.

Curse of the Old Gods
Bandito Sane
Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie
Deandra Reynoldsson
Queso Blanco
Ja' Deite
Report Date
21 Apr 2022
Primary Location

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