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Mentascene Chaos Syndrome

I can feel everything in my mind shift. No thought stays in one place for more than one moment. Entire structures may be built in seconds, then leveled just as quickly. This is no space for the usual mental entities. This is anxiety, pain, suffering, chaos.
  Mentascene Chaos Syndrome is a mental illness signified by an extremely unstable mental world, not just as experienced by the Cross-Ley connected to a server, but as noted in the Harmonic Server logs regarding the data for their Mentascene.  


  MCS has a variety of causes that can either be related to the person or the Harmonic Server the person's Mentascene is stored on. Extremely deep mental trauma or prolonged abuse can shake a person's subconscious so deeply that the Mentascene becomes unstable and corrupts its data on the Harmonic Server. On the Harmonic Server's end, spontaneous corruptions and errors can happen (generally in response to something the person has experienced), but these tend to resolve themselves. If a Harmonic Server somehow corrupts a person's entire Mentascene to this extent, it means that the server is most likely damaged or experiencing a failure, which is a dire problem indeed.  

Symptoms - Personal

  On the personal level, MCS manifests as extreme anxiety and mood instability, along with experiences of rushing, chaotic, and disordered thoughts. The affected may begin to doubt what is real and what is not, and perhaps even experience psychosis as their mind and body struggle with reconciling the corrupted Mentascene data from the Harmonic Server. The symptoms tend to blend with those of mental trauma or other mental illnesses, which means that checking a Cross-Ley's data logs is very important for teasing the root of the problem out.  

Symptoms - Data Logs

  When a Harmonic Server technician checks the data logs for a given Cross-Ley's Mentascene, they will notice unusual parameters and places where data has been shifted. When they do, they are urged to notify either the Cross-Ley or their family depending on who they can contact. Severe cases may result in strings of garbage characters being dumped into the log, or worse yet, replacing typical segments of the log. Technicians are required to learn about deviations from typical log structure, so they will be the ones to catch MCS on a data level.  


  Some cases of MCS resolve on their own once the person is free from the trigger of trauma (which, conversely, means it can recur should the person be exposed to the trigger again). More severe cases of trauma or corruption require very precise care.   For the person, psychological therapy is a must. A professional would be able to help the affected pick through their traumas and settle their mind, which in turn would stabilize the Mentascene and its associated data. On the server's end, the technician can attempt to do some debug to prevent corruption from spreading. However, the most severe cases may require a Mindscaper to enter the patient's mind and sort out the issue directly by manipulating the world itself.   Only extremely experienced Mindscapers should enter the mental world of someone with MCS; while a mindscaping session may be vital to restore order in the disturbed data space, anything can happen that could worsen a situation instead of making it better, and anything can happen that could put the scaper in danger.

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