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Sea Elf

Height and Weight: Here’s how to randomly determine the height and weight of a pallid elf or sea elf, starting with rolling a size modifier:
  • Size modifier = 2d10
  • Height = 4 feet + 6 inches + your size modifier in inches
  • Weight in pounds = 90 + (1d4 × your size modifier)
  Sea elves are a reclusive and deeply territorial people who have as much in common with merfolk as they do with other elves. Most sea elves view the people of the Clovis Concord—even other elves—with mistrust.
  • Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.
  • Sea Elf Training: You have proficiency with the spear, trident, light crossbow, and net.
  • Child of the Sea: You have a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can breathe air and water.
  • Friend of the Sea:. Using gestures and sounds, you can communicate simple ideas with any beast that has an innate swimming speed.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Aquan.
(Source: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount)
Encompassed species


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