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The Cult of Tezcatlipoca (Tez-Kali-Poka)

The serpent like people known as the Yuan-Ti have lived in the Ophis region since before written history. Their religion has a complicated mythology in and of itself. The core of their belief is monotheistic in that they venerate a single divine being, but that being said the being in question, Tezcatlipoca is a being that has been separated into numerous parts over the centuries since it existed.   According to legend at the beginning of time there was a void of nothingness. In this nothingness swirled the weave unhindered and unrestrained. Like all chaotic things, prone to the unexpected a egg was formed due to the clashing of wild magiks. This egg eventually hatched and thus the being known as Tezcatlipoca was born. From the fragments of the egg the multiverse was born each shard a new universe. From the fluid from the egg the stars and constellations where formed built. In the unending blackness of the void it was bitter cold so Tezcatlipoca shot out several balls of flame each at a shards of the egg and there was heat and so the suns where formed in the various universes. The fragments of the fragments of the egg became planets and in turn life formed on a number of them in each universe. After all of this work was done Tezcatlipoca was very tired and decided to rest on one of the shards and it sprung to life of all kinds. This continued for a millennia until all shards contained life of some kind.

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