The Eye of the Storm

Don't tell others, but I've overheard the council talking today. It's true. We don't have a plan to retake Daygrasp. In fact, we don't even have the slightest idea about where to begin.


Two hundred thirty years ago, The Dark Flood took over Morknars' home, Grishnak. Born from the heart of the former Spire of Science in Daygrasp, the Flood took everything away. Not only did it swallow the few High-Morknars who stayed behind to buy time so everyone else could escape, but it also corrupted all the runes built into the tower.   Whenever the Dark Flood touches a rune, it immediately spreads its properties to the Flood in a few hundreds of meters around him. Floodspawns will then be able to cast spells using the rune as a catalyst, making Dives in the area quickly deadly.   Daygrasp, as a whole, was a city filled with magic. Runes were nearly everywhere, from decorations to weaponry: so many tools now at the Flood's service. Having a handful of runes taken over is often considered a tough mission for Flood Divers, which makes exploring the corrupted Daygrasp an assured one-way trip into hell.  


Since no one ever went close to Daygrasp after the Flood broke out, nobody knows what dangers exactly the city holds. The most plausible explanation would be that the lockdown runes all over the first Spire eventually got corrupted. With the lockdown lifted, the Flood might have gained access to the Spire's armory. With that power in the hands of a bio-magic weapon, Daygrasp might be the most well-defended city in the world.   Other pieces of evidence from past Dives suggest that the Flood may have the ability to take over corpses of sapient Species. If that is the case and if the enthralled corpses do keep their magic abilities, Daygrasp's corrupted army might surpass the living's.   It is that hypothesis in particular that led to the massive funding of the Flood Divers, making sure that there is no Flood metastasizes anywhere close to Hope's End.
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Jul 5, 2020 18:23 by Benjamin Andula

Whenever the Dark Flood touches a rune, it immediately spreads its properties to the Flood in a few hundreds of meters around him. Floodspawns will then be able to cast spells using the rune as a catalyst, making Dives in the area quickly deadly.
  I love so much this mechanic of the Flood, it multiplies deeply the danger of such a corrupted area, even worst than most corrupted zones in fictions, since basically most powers already developed through runemaking are also used by the opposition there, but with an absurd range of usage.

"Nothing great has been accomplished in the world without passion" -- G.W.F. Hegel