Domain Expansion: Bloodstained Bond

Special Domain Effect:

  Every Living Creature inside the Domain will have their Blood Slowly Drain   The Dagger will also slowly Drains their Life Force [Using the Life-Steal Power] {ONLY IF THE WIELDER IS HARMED}  


  Sure-Hit Effect:   Other People/Creatures inside your Domain will roll disadvantage on Dodging Checks [3x]   Increase Stats/Powers:   Your Stats/Powers are much stronger inside the Domain   Others:   The HP you get from the Life-Steal Power is MUCH Stronger [3x]   The Damage they deal to you will be 50% less than normal   The Damage you deal will be 2X Greater   The Dagger can cut through almost ANYTHING when inside the Domain  

Domain Moves

  Blood Golem: Creates a Golem out of Blood {HIGH BLOOD COST}   ---Taken---   Slicing Exorcism   Convergence   Piercing Blood   Supernova   Blood Waves


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