Chickee Jones

This is Dr. Prudence Jones. She's a chicken-girl. You may laugh at the sound of that. No, she doesn't cluck and peck or even crow, well that is if you don't upset her, she doesn't. Though she is covered in downy fluff, like a chick. Her burgundy feathers emerging from the fluff like pins in a pincushion. She's young, but a latebloomer. She hates the name Prudence. Uncle Tony came up with a much better name she prefers: Chickee. She doesn't look like your everyday chicken either. Standing an astute 1.4 meters. Much taller than the usual 'yard bird' that comes to mind. All the boy roosters love the comb on the top of her head. It makes her self conscious and she hides it with one kitted hat or another. The rest of her sparse red plummage is covered in baggy knitted works of questionable quality. Created more for comfort than fashion. Young Prudence   She has a pert little beak, wide intelligent eyes as azure as the sea. Her feather covered hands are long and nimble. Great for making things.   Her mom, someone young Prudence calls 'The Red Wolf,' always pushed at her daughter to be the best at anything and the child is a wonder. She solved the supposed 'insolvable equation' at the mere age of 18. Mathematics came so easy to her, that and finding patterns. She could see patterns in everything and her marvelous equation set the world on fire and the Republic gifted a child such as her with a fourth Sumni ring. An award that set her apart from the population. Only Her Grandmother, with the same name the one she was named after had one more jangling in her aging comb. Chickee wears her rings around her wrist. It annoys her mother.   She wasn't happy there. The red wolf and young boyfriend saw to that. Not a nice supject to speak of and Chickee fled with her best three bestest buddies in the world: Jellybean, Eddie, and Lithai. They moved to a small little village to the North and to the west named Cranberry Creek. With the help of her Grandmother, she opened up a Knitting and Craft Shop on the outskirts of town named Peace Love Yarn. She loved patterns, like I said before and knitting came to her like math. Even the spiders, who everyone knew were the best knitters in the world, skittered to her store to learn from 'The Knit-ja.' A name created by her awkward employee, a jittery barn owl named Bentley.   'The-Knitja' gained as much notoriety for her intricate and ground-breaking knitted works as did her math work back home. When someone asked why? or how? All young Chickee would say is math and knitting is the same thing. "It's a pattern in life and I see patterns." A curious statement, but the hen never liked undo attention. She liked peace.   Chickee always was a peculiar child, one prone to premonitions. She scared her mother more than once when she predicted happenings that defied explanation.   Young Chickee Jones, from the time she was an infant attracted many hundreds even thousands of small flying insects. Her young life interrupted by flying insects such as butterflies, bees, and dragonflies circling, but never landing, her like a magnet. It was like the little insects longed to be near her. They never bit but would protect her from anything that appeared poised to attack, say like a nipping dog, like a militia of chitinous bodyguards. Sometimes they covered the house dying to get iniside, something young Chickee’s mother never approved of. See, because everything needed to be perfect for her perfect child and nothing could seem amiss else it reflects on her.   Probably the strangest thing, something young Chickee never told anyone except her best friend Jellybean Goldberg, a mouthy ladybug. She tried to tell her mother once when she was a chick of a girl, but her mother laughed and told young Chickee she was seeing things. Chickee could see faeries, though they didn’t like being called that. Actually, they got really mad if you called them that. They were the Aie and they came from a different dimension. The Aie came in all sizes and shapes and can be found just about everywhere if you can see them, but most can’t. These fae creatures literally hide in plain sight. They say you must want to see them and most thing they are children’s tales. For some reason, Chickee could see them all. She didn’t know why.


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