Thenn Gloria

If one is to believe the Thanes, the Gods of the West were once human themselves. Warriors who relished combat and strove to perfect the art of battle. But like all things in the life of the Thanes, the will to conqueror did not stop with blood-soaked weapons. The Thanes of Old wanted to conqueror death itself.   A family of Thanic nobles and their allies road north to the shores of the Garel Lake, because there is was said that Death kept his home amongst the Flowers of Life. They rode fast to the small cottage where Death resided and challenged him to combat for their souls. What opened the door to great them was not the foreboding figure that imagined but a beautiful woman, slow-moving and sad. She listened to the Thanes request and then bowed her head in thought and prayer.   For an hour the Thanes sat in silence as the woman considered their request. And when she opened her eyes she offered a simple choice:  
In death, as in life, there is balance to all things. I will offer half of you the power you seek, immortality and abilities beyond your wishes. But only half. The rest must follow me into the veil, surrendering themselves to my embrace.
The Thanes gathered around with their allies and they spoke. For a fortnight there were arguments as each declared they were the worthiest of the powers promised, and others should give up their lives. All the while, the woman stood by and watched.   At the end of the time, a cabal of Thanes proposed trial by combat. Those that were slain would stay within the Veil, and the victors would take the power. The lines were dived as the wisest and weakest Thanes disparaged the Thanes who were strong of arm but slow of wit. They were at a disadvantage and the Thanes who relished blood knew it.   It was then that the first blow fell. A Warrior Jarl by the name of Ghorum was laid low by his cousin. As he fell, his brother, Miarck let loose a savage yell and slew the cousin. At this the thanes and their allies took sides. Alliances of old were restoked, and familiar grudges became apparent. As the thanes began the charge, the woman raised her hand.  
The choice has been made. Let those who delight in death, embrace it.
And the thanes who aligned against Miarck fell.   The woman walked through the bodies of the fallen and as she touched them, they withered into dirt and ash. She placed her hand on Miarck cheek and a tear fell from his eye. The woman took the tear and placed it on a flower that had blossomed and the flower grew large. From the bulb of the flower came Ghorom, born anew. She held her hand out to him and said  
Ghorum of Islaidr, First laid low. I grant you the domain of my own.
You shall forever be known as the God of the Departed.
And to each of the Thanes that stood still stood, she touched and offered them a boon. They would never tire, and they would be granted eternal life. In exchange, they were charged with watching over their people for all their days. If they were to stray from this quest, the woman would come to reclaim them to her charge. The New Gods accepted vigorously, and each took their domain with gusto.   Remember their names, for they serve us even as we serve them: Miarck, Advalum, Ghorum, Arnor, Freydis, Tofa, Thorarin, Iri, Kadlin, Luta, Æstrid, and Ulfgrim