Moiran History

First Era: The Time of Dwarves

  • 5000 1e

    The Great Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

Second Era: The Time of Elves

  • 8430 2e

    12000 2e

    The Bloodstone Wars
    Military action

Third Era: The Time of Humans

  • 638 3e

    658 3e


    The Bajoc-Valen War
    Military action

  • 738 3e

    18 /6
    739 3e

    20 /4

    The Valenic Civil War
    Military action

  • 738 3e

    21 /12

    Beginning of Campaign 2

    After receiving a mysterious call from an imprisoned Dwarf, a group of adventurers are summoned to the Thanic city of Oztar and embark on an adventure that will turn them into Legends.

  • 739 3e

    20 /4

    The Birth of Orion Moss' Son
    Life, Birth

  • 741 3e

    Beginning of Legends of Frustengrad:The Confluence Problem
    Gathering / Conference

  • 744 3e

    744 3e


    The Five Kingdoms declare independence
    Diplomatic action

    Five years after the ink had dried on the treaty that ended the Valenic Civil war and granted unprecedented freedoms to the consuls from the crown, the five ancestral regions of Valen came to split from one another as the four lands surrounding the Vanatian consuls declared independence from the Kingdom.

  • 750 3e

    13 /13

    The First "Dungeon" is discovered
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 772 3e

    14 /4 17:00

    Beginning of Campaign Three

    On the 14th of Aamn, in the year 3e772, in the midst of a festival of love and light as the Kingdoms of Frustengrad celebrate the connection of the Lunar Lovers, Illumin and Marax, six heroes come together and the Legends of Frustengrad continue once again.