The Heroes of Hillshead in Moira | World Anvil
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The Heroes of Hillshead

Sure enough, only three years after the Great War (684-695 FE) the orcs returned to Hillshead once more, this time led by General Orgritt’s son Wurgoth. He stormed Hillshead with malice intent, catching even the High Elves off guard by the speed of their assault. They enslaved the resident population of Hillshead to create defensive ramparts upon the walls of the city, forcing blacksmiths and encanters to forge them weapons. Only five days after the city’s takeover, three strangers on horseback came to the city, emboldened by the rising sun behind them. Bewildered at their courage, these travelers were allowed a private meeting with Wurgoth and his chieftains. The three brought forth a document written at one point by Orgritt, the former general himself. It proclaimed that Hillshead could be decided on a single combat, a number of great warriors would represent Hillshead, and an equal number would represent its oppressors. Who ever was to win would decide who would control Hillshead, which afterwards would be off limits in any war. Depending on the victor, Hillshead would belong to that side indefinitely. Wurgoth’s champions were chosen, and the Heroes of Hillshead prepared for battle as themselves the contenders. They were Aurwin the Clever, Freyja the Kind, and Zora the Steadfast (names given to them by the citizens of Hillshead after the fact). The battle proceeded, and inevitably the orc chieftains were defeated. An orc of his word, Wurgoth ordered his warriors to return to the land from whence they’d came. It is said that in the aftermath of this decision, the orc army fractured into an all out clan war, disappointed by Wurgoth’s weakness, or not fighting as his own champion. The Heroes of Hillshead,the three were called. They proclaimed that Garette, the captain of the city guard would be the new Lord of Hillshead, as was their right by the script they’d uncovered, but it could be argued this choice led to the Civil War Hillshead faces today. The Heroes, only a month or two after their victory disappeared, wandering off without a single word to anyone of where they were headed next.

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