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The Fates

The Fates is the term used to refer to the 22 deities of the world of Moirai. Unlike in other worlds, where the divine are responsible for the different aspects of the world itself, the divine of Moirai only concern themselves with the events and lives of those who live in that realm.

  While the people of Moirai have many different conflicting opinions on The Fates, the entities themselves are neutural at best and cruel at worse. Because they are concerned about the nature of the weave of fate itself, they have actively made the world better and worse in different situations. They also have a tendancy to actively work against each other due to their conflicting natures.   The Fates also have the ability to grant mortals with assigned destinies or prophecies. These destinies are typically vauge and can play out in many differernt ways based on the actions of the mortal itself. So long as they are enacted, the Fate who assigned it could not care less. However, mortals who recieve an assigned destiny or prophecy often gain additional powers and abilites that are beyond that of normal magic. They also typically become able to use Fate Weaving.

Mythology & Lore

See Religions of Moirai for what people think The Fates mythology is.


All the of Fates are worshiped in different ways for different aspects of the fate that they control. However, a key aspect that vast majority of people who are faithful don't realize is that The Fates do not gain any benifit from being worshiped, and vice versa, at least not directly.    Clerics do not gain their power from the Fates through their worship, but because of it. Their belief in their faith is so strong that is causes the effects of their magic.

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