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Mage Triad

Excerpted from An Introduction to Magic (Retainer Anthea Hekate, Sophise School, 713 CE) as found in the Great Library at Asteripolis.
For the use of Retainers and Selectors in the classification, deployment, and assessment of conscripted Mages.    
Introduction - Makriagi and the Mage
  Before delving into the subject of structured magic we must first ask: What is Makriagi and what makes it different from traditional (or Small) magic? In the simplest terms we would do best to envision water. If a child finds a small stream or runoff it is possible for the child to play and to act upon the water, he might (with his limited understanding) move the stream, dam it, or perhaps simply engage with it by floating an item on it as a boat. The child would be confounded by a river or a lake, but it is still possible to affect these with sufficient skill and an adult or group of adults with adequate training might dam a river or drain a lake. Mikriagi is one of these bodies of water, something which can be manipulated with relative ease and sufficient education.   Continuing the metaphor, Makriagi is an ocean in the midst of a great storm. Its waves cannot be contended with in an ordinary boat, its depths cannot be measured, its coastline may shift at will. What we have done in the use of the Final Lock is to find a way to act upon the ocean. Just as our ancestors built great ships and sea walls so too have we found a way to manipulate the well of magic in ways once thought impossible. However, just as with the ocean the work required is of a different matter entirely.  
The Triad - Structure and Great Magic
  Makriagi requires, at minimum, two Mages to work. These are the Sintriva, or "Wellspring", and the Agogos, or "Conduit". In the early days of the Final Lock it was believed that these were all that were required. A Wellspring from which magic would flow and the Conduit (or Conduits) who would manipulate that raw magic to perform a task. Experimentation led to an ever expanding understanding of how we could manipulate magic but at the same time presented the need for a third member of the group, the Lautus, or "Purifier".   The Sintriva - Within the triad, the Mage within the most obvious danger, the Sintriva is able to draw raw energy from outside of the perceivable world ("the centre) to be used by another Mage. The process begins with the Sintriva first travelling via projection from their physical form to a place below centre. There they create a gateway, where their astral form allows the magic to flow up to their now unoccupied physical body, storing it to be retrieved by the Lautus and Agogos. The Sintriva can easily get lost if not properly trained and anchored and should only perform his task when near a Retainer who can serve as an appropriate anchor point. If too much power is drawn too quickly it may become necessary for the Retainer to sever the connection, this will kill the Mage but it will also allow the magic to harmlessly return to its origin point.   The Lautus - As water may be passed through charcoal and sand to clear it of impurities, so too must magic be cleaned. In the case of Makriagi, the huge amount of energy being drawn from outside of the centre can allow spirits to attach themselves to the flow and enter the centre unimpeded and in greater numbers than one might hope. In addition, Saprophyte, the unwelcome side-effect of magical energy can be partially mitigated in this manner. The Lautus, then, has one of the most important tasks in the Triad. He will read the energy as it enters the uninhabited form of the Sintriva and block unwelcome spirits from passing through, returning them back outside of the centre. In many cases it may be necessary for a Retainer to aid in the banishment of particularly strong spirits when a Lautus becomes overwhelmed, the retainer may help calm these spirits    The Agogos - Once the energy has been retrieved and purified, the Conduit can do his work. Multiple Conduits can draw from a single or multiple Sintriva at any time, but will work best with someone with whom they have trained with. From here, anything is truly possible. Magic enough to lift cities and hang them in the air, allow for instantaneous travel, or to manipulate the flow of time is at the Agogos's fingertips and the only limits are those of imagination, training, and will. This is not to say that the Agogos is in no danger from the magic. Even purified, such large amounts of energy can easily drive an Agogos mad if not properly supported, which is one reason it is best to have them work with a trusted Sintriva.    
Triad or Duo - How to Estimate Need
  Many Retainers will be put in charge of only two Mages, a Sintriva and an Agogos. For most magic this will prove sufficient as with effective oversight the duo can purify their own magic as required. So how do we determine if a Triad is required?   To start with, a Triad will only be deployed under proper authority, whether the Mageia School, the Military, or by direct order of the Sun King's Court. They will be able to assess the level of magic necessary for a task and approve deployment where necessary. However, there may come a time as a Retainer when you are forced to assess whether a task is too big to be performed by a simple Duo. For many Retainers, there is a tendency to over-protect their charges and not allow them to properly use their abilities. While accidents can happen, it is advisable to rely on the Comprehension Metric. If you can conceive of what is about to be done, can picture the outcome in your mind, it is very likely that a Triad will not be necessary.

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