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Excerpted from An Introduction to Magic (Retainer Anthea Hekate, Sophise School, 713 CE) as found in the Great Library at Asteripolis.
For the use of Retainers and Selectors in the classification, deployment, and assessment of conscripted Mages.    
Introduction - What is Magic?
  "Magic" is best understood as the weaving of energy to alter reality within a fixed or established set of parameters. The energy input to the system will not necessarily produce a result equal on its output, as this result depends upon the skill and power of the caster and so to measure magic either in its input or its output becomes difficult. The summoning of a single leaf is as much magic as is the raising of a city to hover above the earth and both are to be considered equally world-altering, however, there are differences in what we term Mikriagi (small magic) and Makriagi (significant magic).   Mikriagi is best understood as the small tasks which a single person can accomplish, which can be ritualised, or which do not require a source of external power. Until the solution of the Final Lock all magic used was mikriagi. Humans are capable of performing mikriagi through rituals and most Veneficans can use a level of mikriagi even without training, though obviously the more education the higher the returns.   Makriagi is the use of magic within the new parameters of the Final Lock. Makriagi requires an external power source, a Venefican specifically trained to draw energy from the spaces outside of the world as perceived by humans, and a high level of ritualisation to the work. However, more complex and larger scale tasks can be achieved with relative ease in this manner.   Ritualisation or the development of what laymen might call "Spells" aids in the process of deploying magic by creating a strict set of parameters with a stable or confirmable outcome. For mages these spells are often unique to the individual, a series of key words to simplify the creation of a desired outcome (For example, the mage may decide that whenever he snaps his fingers and says the word Fotiá a single flame appears for three seconds before vanishing. This outcome will always occur when those actions are performed). On a larger scale, a group of humans may choose to enact a ritual which requires ingredients, special positions within a room, or certain other parameters be met, by performing the ritual exactly a group of humans can thereby access a limited form of magic. It is commonly believed among the uneducated that magic is the sole purview of the Veneficans or Mages, however it is more reasonable to say that humans cannot do magic easily, hence the need for rituals.    
Specialisations - Types and Forms of Simple Magic
  Just as a writer might find themselves drawn to a certain genre, an artist to a colour palette, or a musician to a style of composition, a mage will generally find that they have a specific skill or skillset which is the easiest for them to hone. This is not comprehensive and should be understood as a rough guide. Below is a general summary of mikriagi specialties to which most Mages will develop a preference:   Mimicry - Mages are natural mimics and most are able to copy an item or items at will, producing an exact or nearly exact duplicate.   Elementalism - The control of natural elements, such as air, fire, or water.   Comprehension - The Mage is able to read intention or thoughts, understand languages otherwise unfamiliar, and generally know the internal workings of another person.   Projection - The ability of a mage to shift or project their own image or the images of other things over long distances, enabling easy communication.   Commutation - Sometimes called "Transit" or "Travelling", these Mages are able to physically move beyond the world we see.   Metamorphosis - Replacing one item with another, altering the state of a thing (living or otherwise) to become something else.   Chronology - Manipulation of time, the slowing or speeding up of time around the mage or the ability to travel outside of time, either backwards or forwards.   It is important to remember that this list is a general outline and does not account for mixtures or permutations of skill. For example, a Mage skilled in Comprehension may use Projection to make a vision acquired through a reading suddenly manifest.     
Outcomes - On the Subject of Madness
  Madness is the colloquial term given to the degeneration of the minds of magic users over time. For most this can be as simple as gradual catatonia, a loss of comprehension of time, loss of speech or other faculties, or general malaise. In others the effects can be more pronounced, with a tendency toward violent outbursts, strange commentary, or loss of connection with other living beings. Many Retainers may find these occurrences disturbing or upsetting, especially for those who have grown close with their charges. It is important to remember that this is a natural stage in the life-cycle of any magic user with no measurable way to prevent it. Theories abound as to the actual cause, but it is likely simply the interaction with the world beyond that means they struggle with life in this world.   Incidences of madness have increased since the introduction of

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