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Esko Standard | Esxo Vebu (/ˈesço ˈvebʌ/)

Natively known as: esxo veba esxo vebu /ˈesço ˈvebʌ/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
oNz AsA U AyA JiUteqif mAl U oNz miyA nure otiqif mAl U wiyif
oŋz asa ü aya jiüte'if mal ü oŋz miya nūře oti'if mal ü wiyif

Pronunciation: /oŋz ˈasa y ˈaja ˈd͡ʒiyˌteʔif mal y oŋz ˈmija ˈnuɾe ˈotiʔif mal y ˈwijif/
Esco Standard word order: and stood he holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b c d d͡ʒ f g h j l m n s t v w z ç ð ŋ ɬ ɹ ɾ ʃ ʍ ʒ ʔ  
Man./Pl.Bilab.Lab. den.Dent.Alv.Pal.-alv.Palat.VelarGlott.
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop b t d c g ʔ
Fricative f v ð s z ʃ ʒ ç h
Approximant ɹ j
Tap ɾ
Lateral fric. ɬ
Lateral approx. l
Co-articulated phonemes  
Approximant ʍ w
Vowel inventory: a e i o u y ʌ  
High i y u
High-mid e o
Low-mid ʌ
Low a
Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable ?   Spelling rules:  
a A
e e
i i
o o
u u
ʌ a
y U
b b
c k
ç x
ð T
j y
d͡ʒ J
d d
f f
g g
h h
l l
ɬ L
m m
n n
ŋ N
ɹ R
ɾ r
s s
ʃ S
t t
v v
w w
ʍ W
z z
ʒ j
ʔ q


  Main word order: Verb Subject Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Opened mary the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: prepositions ?  

Adjective affixes

Spr Suffix -'
deLe' dełe' /ˈdeɬe'/ bright (animal)
Prefix la-, Suffix -'
lAdeLe' ladełe' /ˈladeɬe'/ bright (animals)
Prefix lui-, Suffix -'
luideLe' lūidełe' /ˈluiˌdeɬe'/ (three) bright (animals)
Har Suffix -'
deLe' dełe' /ˈdeɬe'/ bright (animal)
Prefix la-, Suffix -'
lAdeLe' ladełe' /ˈladeɬe'/ bright (animals)
Prefix lui-, Suffix -'
luideLe' lūidełe' /ˈluiˌdeɬe'/ (three) bright (animals)
Win Suffix -if
deLeif dełeif /ˈdeɬeif/ bright (animal)
Prefix la-, Suffix -if
lAdeLeif ladełeif /ˈladeˌɬeif/ bright (animals)
Prefix lui-, Suffix -if
luideLeif lūidełeif /ˈluiˌdeɬeif/ (three) bright (animals)

Verb affixes

Present No affix
silA sila /ˈsila/ (I/you/he/she/it) fall(s)
Suffix -ja
silAyA silaya /ˈsilaja/ (we/you all/they) fall
Suffix -li
silAli silali /ˈsilali/ fall
Past Prefix in-
insilA insila /ˈinsila/ (I/you/he/she/it) fell
Prefix in-, Suffix -ja
insilAyA insilaya /ˈinsiˌlaja/ (we/you all/they) fell
Prefix in-, Suffix -li
insilAli insilali /ˈinsiˌlali/ fell
Imperfect Prefix oi-
oisilA oisila /ˈoiˌsila/ (I/you/he/she/it) fall
Prefix oi-, Suffix -ja
oisilAyA oisilaya /ˈoiˌsilaja/ (we/you all/they) fall
Prefix oi-, Suffix -li
oisilAli oisilali /ˈoiˌsilali/ fall
Future Prefix do-
dosilA dosila /ˈdosila/ (I/you/he/she/it) will fall
Prefix do-, Suffix -ja
dosilAyA dosilaya /ˈdosiˌlaja/ (we/you all/they) will fall
Prefix do-, Suffix -li
dosilAli dosilali /ˈdosiˌlali/ will fall
Imperative Suffix -ɾa
silArA silařa /ˈsilaɾa/ (I/you/he/she/it) fall
Suffix -ɾaja
silArAyA silařaya /ˈsilaˌɾaja/ (we/you all/they) fall
Suffix -ɾali
silArAli silařali /ˈsilaˌɾali/ fall
Infinitive Suffix -ɾa
silArA silařa /ˈsilaɾa/ (I/you/he/she/it) fall
Suffix -ɾa
silArA silařa /ˈsilaɾa/ (we/you all/they) fall
Suffix -ɾa
silArA silařa /ˈsilaɾa/ fall


Nominative Suffix -mal
Accusative Prefix i-
Genitive Prefix mal-
Dative Prefix bʌiɾ-
Inessive Prefix hi-
Elative Prefix uɾ-
Illative Prefix wʌn-
Adessive Prefix mɾol-
Ablative Prefix et-
Superessive Prefix nyi-

Noun affixes

Nominative No affix
koloS čološ /ˈcoloʃ/ animal (doing the verb)
Change all V to a / _C#
kolAS čolaš /ˈcolaʃ/ animals (doing the verb)
Change all V to lui / _C#
kolluiS čollūiš /ˈcolluiʃ/ three animals (doing the verb)
Accusative Prefix i-
ikoloS ičološ /ˈicoloʃ/ (verb done to) the/an animal
Prefix i-, Change all V to a / _C#
ikolAS ičolaš /ˈicolaʃ/ (verb done to) animals
Prefix i-, Change all V to lui / _C#
ikolluiS ičollūiš /ˈicoˌlluiʃ/ (verb done to) three animals
Genitive Prefix mal-
mAlkoloS malčološ /ˈmalcoloʃ/ animal's
Prefix mal-, Change all V to a / _C#
mAlkolAS malčolaš /ˈmalcolaʃ/ animalsʼ
Prefix mal-, Change all V to lui / _C#
mAlkolluiS malčollūiš /ˈmalcoˌlluiʃ/ three animalsʼ
Dative Prefix bʌiɾ-
bairkoloS buiřčološ /ˈbʌiɾˌcoloʃ/ to the/an animal
Prefix bʌiɾ-, Change all V to a / _C#
bairkolAS buiřčolaš /ˈbʌiɾˌcolaʃ/ to animals
Prefix bʌiɾ-, Change all V to lui / _C#
bairkolluiS buiřčollūiš /ˈbʌiɾˌcolluiʃ/ to three animals
Inessive Prefix hi-
hikoloS hičološ /ˈhicoloʃ/ inside the/an animal
Prefix hi-, Change all V to a / _C#
hikolAS hičolaš /ˈhicolaʃ/ inside animals
Prefix hi-, Change all V to lui / _C#
hikolluiS hičollūiš /ˈhicoˌlluiʃ/ inside three animals
Elative Prefix uɾ-
urkoloS ūřčološ /ˈuɾcoloʃ/ out of the/an animal
Prefix uɾ-, Change all V to a / _C#
urkolAS ūřčolaš /ˈuɾcolaʃ/ out of animals
Prefix uɾ-, Change all V to lui / _C#
urkolluiS ūřčollūiš /ˈuɾcoˌlluiʃ/ out of three animals
Illative Prefix wʌn-
wankoloS wunčološ /ˈwʌncoloʃ/ into the/an animal
Prefix wʌn-, Change all V to a / _C#
wankolAS wunčolaš /ˈwʌncolaʃ/ into animals
Prefix wʌn-, Change all V to lui / _C#
wankolluiS wunčollūiš /ˈwʌncoˌlluiʃ/ into three animals
Adessive Prefix mɾol-
mrolkoloS mřolčološ /ˈmɾolcoloʃ/ near/by/at the/an animal
Prefix mɾol-, Change all V to a / _C#
mrolkolAS mřolčolaš /ˈmɾolcolaʃ/ near/by/at animals
Prefix mɾol-, Change all V to lui / _C#
mrolkolluiS mřolčollūiš /ˈmɾolcoˌlluiʃ/ near/by/at three animals
Ablative Prefix et-
etkoloS etčološ /ˈetcoloʃ/ from the/a animal
Prefix et-, Change all V to a / _C#
etkolAS etčolaš /ˈetcolaʃ/ from animals
Prefix et-, Change all V to lui / _C#
etkolluiS etčollūiš /ˈetcoˌlluiʃ/ from three animals
Superessive Prefix nyl-
nUlkoloS nülčološ /ˈnylcoloʃ/ on the/an animal
Prefix nyl-, Change all V to a / _C#
nUlkolAS nülčolaš /ˈnylcolaʃ/ on animals
Prefix nyl-, Change all V to lui / _C#
nUlkolluiS nülčollūiš /ˈnylcoˌlluiʃ/ on three animals


  Esco Standard has a base-5 number system:   1 - er eř
2 - ho ho
3 - lui lūi
4 - itRe itre
5 - SRog šrog
25 - LaSRo ɬʌʃɹo
125 - eLoS eɬoʃ

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -nes
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -zoʃ
Else: Suffix -izoʃ
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Suffix -ʃa
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Change all VC to ile / _#
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Change all VC to unse /_#
Noun to verb = Change all VC to a / _#
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Change all VC to ɹife / _#
Tending to = If ends with vowel: Suffix -d͡ʒ
Else: Suffix -od͡ʒ
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Change all a to iʒub / _#
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Change all a to eil / _#
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Change all a to oɾoʃ / _#
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -d
Else: Suffix -idub
Diminutive = Insert njeʔ / _VC#
Augmentative = If ends with vowel: Suffix -mf
Else: Suffix -imf

Geographical Distribution

Esko Standard originated as a native tongue on the southern island of the planet Esko. However, due to its practicality and ease of communication, it gradually gained widespread adoption and became the lingua franca of the Mondril 1 sector, spanning across multiple worlds and civilizations. While its roots remain firmly tied to Esko's southern island, the language has transcended geographical boundaries, binding diverse communities together in the vast expanse of the Mondril 1 sector.


4247 Words.
Common Female Names
  • Kimani'el
  • Arali'el
  • Zaviri'el
  • Arini'el
  • Elaki'el
  • Titheti'el
  • Nemi'el
Common Male Names
  • Koba'iyen
  • Zandiyen
  • Orisiyen
  • Corlia'iyen
  • Kisaliyen
  • Uthloniyen
  • Aviliyen
Common Family Names
Family names precede given names (as they are considered a modifier). Given names are used in full in formal settings, but close friends/family may drop the ending.
  • Kilors /çiloɾs/
  • Zhrutsil /ʒɹʌtsil/
  • Ubngu'or /ubŋuʔoɾ/
  • Zevyox /zevyoç/
  • Ehwinux /eʍinʌç/
  • Bisa /bisa/


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