Ryu Coles Character in Monochrome Project | World Anvil
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Ryu Coles

Ryu Coles

Personality Characteristics


Simply put, Ryu operates on spite. What people assume she would never be able to do or just plain wouldn't be right for her, she will go out of her way to make that her goal to prove everyone wrong. Most see that as a very childish way of thinking, but to her, it's like a way to take control of every situation.   There's an ironic twist right there though. It's more subconscious than anything, but fact of the matter is, she wishes she could take matters into her own hands instead of relying on other people's opinions about her.   Currently, she's working on making the new CCD team work - since Alexander seems to be so against the idea, and she's convienced he merely thinks she wouldn't be fit for the job that her sister used to be as well.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ryu is a very simple-minded person. She doesn't tend to complicate things that don't need to be complicated, and is able to look at most things objectively. This way, she's able to do any tasks whatsoever with no additional, unnecessary sources of stress. When presented with a problem, she can quickly come up with multiple practical solutions, thus making her an ideal candidate for advice-giving.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her simple nature also comes with hefty downsides. Unless people explicitly tell her how they feel, she's not really going to pick up any signs. This can make her look like she doesn't care about her friends sometimes, even come off as rude, when she's just not good at perceiving in reality.   Ryu's life has been all about change - everything always got turned upside down, especially when she was just getting comfortable. As a result, she's now unable to let herself get attached to anything, be it a person or an object or even an idea. This passivity has resulted in a few great things in life passing her by, and she even turned into more of a pessimist in the process, having a hard time appreciating things in her everyday life.


Family Ties

  • Father: Dominic Coles
  • Mother: Evelyn H. Coles
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
2006 23 Years old
Current Residence
Yellowish green
Black, bob cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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