Dutch Kobold Tines Settlement in Monster Earth | World Anvil
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Dutch Kobold Tines

Nobody knows how "Dutch" became part of the name

Written by KatrinaTheLamia

Why was a question many would ask. Why is probably the most distilled and condensed question possible. It is also the worst question. On the grounds that you might get a possible answer to it.

Captain Abraham Wiltonia-Dork's craft had landed in part of the Fae that had not been charted. It was filled with many smoke spewing towers. The atmosphere seemed to be largely ozone and various other toxic chemicals that were largely unbreathable by the crew. They spotted several small--well, humanoid is not the correct word for them. They looked kind of like amphibious squirrels. There factories seemed to be burning--something--and many more factories were producing things to be burned.


He deployed many unmanned craft to explore this area of the fae... but one by one the craft were taken down by these amphibious squirrels. Then an incoming message was sent to the ship via a written sheet of what looked to be an equivalent of parchment.


It was a parking and loitering violation.


With that, contact with one of the nations of the Kobolds was made.


Koboldia is pretty much just a sprawl of research faculties, manufacturing sites, resource gathering (though where and how the resources are gathered is an answer you cannot comprehend), there really is no proper upper class. Just a lot of people doing a lot of stuff.


During the events that would lead up to the Permian Triassic Extinction event, the Kobolds figured out how to move towards the fae realm as a form of escape from their own undoing. They also attempted to get into space during this time, and there is a fair amount of wreckage floating around in space from them. Upon entering the Fae, time moved in a way they were not quite familiar with--and as of such several Fae that were instrumental in causing the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event are still able to be observed and interacted with. Several millions of years have occurred--as has only several hours simultaneously within here. Making things... complicated to keep track of occurring

Due to the nature of the fae realm, the Kobold are able to pollute as much as they want, and mine as much as they want--and not cause it to cause problems for areas outside of this realm. That being said, the same material has been mined and refined multiple times--been destroyed and rebuilt multiple times. Which is something that has been studied by human scientists just to improve their modelling of physics


The architecture resembles stone and metal--and is best described as Plastic-Steel. As structures are made of a unique material that allows them to be manipulated with the right tools and know how--and only on purposes

Paths and corridors and streets seem to twist and move in multitudes of impossible directions. It is entirely possible for you to arrive where you started before you left. Talking to yourself is advised against, as it will only cause the sharpest headache ever.

Majority of the buildings have smoke stacks on the top spewing out a cloud of poisonous smokes. Though, whether the smoke is from that building or another is an entire matter altogether--as many people will just pump their stuff through other buildings. With so many doing this, that it just becomes a major mess.


It seems to be within a cavern. Though that appears to be a Stone-Plasteel barrier to try to keep the temporal and spacial nonsense within a limited area. This is to reduce headaches to a manageable level

Natural Resources


Alternative Name(s)
  • Koboldia
  • Extinction Land
  • Ole Squiggelia
National Territory
241 567 345 600 912 762

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Author's Notes

Work in progress

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