Custodian Angel

The flurry of activity was background noise as Kasbiel sat in the center of the stark white couch in the large sitting room. The last from the bright afternoon spilled in just so that it seemed almost incidental that it fell on him. Alighting him in its bright warmth while attendants and secretaries set about preparing him for another trip. Another job. A sharp slim woman in a black floral dress paced in front of the glass coffee table. Her voice had long faded into the buzz of those around him. The woman was recounting travel details, pertinent information that the Custodians thought he should know before hand, even though they'd likely tell him a dozen more times.   This also wasn't his first trip. Kasbiel had been making these sort of trips for longer than any of the mortals in the room had been alive. Passed around from one secretary to the next, a new Commander of Houses every generation. They all blended into the slow, inevitable passage of time. Kasbiel never bothered to remember their names, just pairing up faces with ranks for whatever moment he might be present.   Lives so short and fleeting. Escaping the toil and plight of the world through age and death. Service ended when their life did. "Divine?" The woman had stopped moving. Her sharp voice pulled Kasbiel from his reverie so he looked up from the glass table top scattered with documents.   "Yes?"   Her brightly painted lips pursed in annoyance. "Do you have any questions or requests for me?"   Kasbiel studied her for a time. Taking in the carefully curled black hair pulled up with gold pins and the neatly trimmed, narrow brows that sharpened her face into an expression of eternal displeasure. Especially when she looked at him with her arms crossed. Bright red painted nails tapped their impatience on her arm. It would be rude for her to rush him. There was no request he could make that she would fulfill and he didn't care enough about the task to have questions - he'd not cared enough to pay attention to begin with. Rather, the only thing he wanted to know was, "When do we leave?"


Kasbiel is one of the few Angels in the world - and the only one under the Templar Custodian's care. He's been attended by them for generations and while the organization considers him a guest, Kasbiel is more like an honored prisoner. While most would not dream of harming the Angel, he is instrumental in keeping one of their more powerful tools under control. As Angels are pacificistic creatures, he will do nothing to harm the humans around him.


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