Custodian Harvest

Halia had hoped to never live long enough to see a Harvest. What made the occasion worse was that she'd been picked as the Reaper. It had something to do with time served and her harsh skillset, her knowledge of the world and her track record when it came to hunting down monsters. If it had ever been alluded that her achievements might lead up to this particular promotion, Halia might've slacked just a little. Let some of the other Chaplains overtake her.   Now, she stood off the side of a large stage overlooking a sea of young women. Innocent eyes fastened to the Grand Prelate while he preached about the purity of purpose and alluded to the importance of sacrifice. That was the crux of the Custodians. How much could you sacrifice and not lose your soul to the darkness? What could you bear to expose to the horrors of the cosmos and still retain the essential fragments of yourself so you didn't go crazy? Didn't turn into a monster yourself.   It took an innocent, unassuming soul for this next task. A sacrifice, essentially. Halia would be the Reaper of this Harvest and present this innocence to one of the Custodian's most powerful tools. Bittersweet that they must use the same twisted methods of the things they hunted to catch them effectively.   The silver lining, the only real good to come out of this sacrifice, was that they needed this Harvest to find the Angels. And the Angels were the only thing that could actually banish the demons.

Halia Videx


The Harvest

The Templar Custodians require an innocent soul picked amongst their young initiates to become a handler, or soul leash, for their supernatural entities - in this particular instance, a female is to be picked by Halia to become the soul leash for Night.


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Oct 19, 2023 21:43

I gotta know more about Halia! Her harsh skillset hunting down monsters? How exactly does a Reaper 'present' the sacrifice? aaaand what happens when a Reaper doesn't do their job properly 8D gimme gimme