Jeremy Warren


Dark Brown  

Age / Birthday

32 / October 2nd  

Place of Birth

Bakersfield, California  


Dark brown peppered dark gray along the temples. Plain style, usually brushed back. Trimmed close.  




High Shore, Maine  


Small house inland, High Shore. 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom. Livingroom opens up to the kitchen / dining area.  


Fisherman. Owns his own boat, works out of the small port in High Shore.  



Jeremy was a stereotypical high school jock. He was popular, did well enough in school, and everything seemed like it was going to work out for him. He married his high school girl friend after they both graduated and he immediately went into construction work while his wife enrolled in nursing school. They bought a house. Everything seemed wholesome and normal on the surface of Jeremy’s life, until it wasn’t.  

It would be shortly after Jeremy’s wife would announce her pregnancy that he would find out that she’d been meeting someone else after her classes. This came from a close friend of theirs that had gone to the same school. And while Jeremy didn’t initially believe it, he did end up confronting his wife who confessed out of guilt.  

Jeremy’s life quickly fell apart from there. The divorce happened rather quickly and Jeremy readily signed over anything that his now Ex-Wife asked for. The house. The truck. Jeremy moved out of California with some money from their savings and a dufflebag of his clothes and closest personal effects. He fell off the radar for anyone that knew him for a time and resurfaced several months later after establishing himself at High Shore.  

A former fisherman by the name of Harry Langley hired Jeremy, taught him how to run the ship, then eventually turned the keys over to him.

Jeremy was always awake before him, sitting at a small metal dining table. With just one sickly light on over it while he sipped coffee and read through the sparse, flimsy pages that amounted to what the small town called a newspaper. Local gossip and advertisements for the handful of businesses that still existed. Not like there was a lot of choice or competition. One small grocery store, one hardware store, a bakery and animal supplies shop, and a couple other specialty places that Sebastian hadn’t had the care to look into. He’d just glossed over their advertisements squeezed next to the others across the page allotted. Like a reminder to the remaining residents they were still there.

Though the population of High Shore was in the hundreds, everyone sorta kept to themselves. Like they were all removed from lives they’d rather not discuss rather than apart of a small knit community. Jeremy had mentioned in one of his letters that no one would bother Sebastian, no one would care where he came from or what he did. Because no one cared what anyone else did on the island. It wasn’t necessarily a sense of apathy – people smiled the few times they saw Sebastian at one of the stores – but rather, there was a heady sense of privacy and quiet that hung over the town like the gray skies.

Their mother called this a life-crisis and thought Jeremy would come to regret dropping everything to move out to the middle of nowhere. Sebastian had agreed until he’d actually come to visit and saw that his brother was at peace. He was happy on the dreary island and the long hours he worked, enough so that he had extended the invitation to Sebastian should he ever need to ‘get away’.


Jeremy is not the sort to admit to himself, let alone out loud, that the shock and betrayal of the divorce really shattered his perception of the world around him. Before that, he would’ve laughed and called himself an average working American. Life didn’t seem too complicated and he never expected it to be anything more than going to work, coming home, and having a family. To Jeremy, his life was already sorted and he was quite happy with that. He wasn’t looking for a grand adventure and he’d never wanted any dramatic excitement in his life.  

It had been hard for him to accept that his wife had cheated on him and the unborn babe was not his, but neither is he a man to dwell too long in denial. Once this new reality was foisted on him, Jeremy was quick to cut ties to that old, brighter life. He wanted nothing to do with the house, the car, or even the state. He packed up and left – he wanted to get away from everything, even his family. The sympathy and support of his family didn’t make the situation any easier for someone as self-contained and self sufficient as Jeremy.  

His aimless flight landed him on the east coast, in construction ( since that was something he knew ) but that transitioned into work on a fishing boat. Hard work and long hours became a sort of refuge for Jeremy and only once he felt like a grounded, real person did he reach out and contact his family.  

Jeremy is at peace with his new life at High Shore. It’s simple but stable. He relies on no one else but himself, though recently he’s been able to provide refuge and shelter to his younger brother. This has only reenforced that he is where he should be – where he can be that solid, grounded person once more.  

by midjourney

Family Ties

The Warren nuclear family is not especially large. Jeremy has a younger brother, Sebastian Warren, and their parents Jill and Scott are still married. Their extended family is a little bigger but they aren’t nearly as close or connected. Though Jill does involve herself in family’s lives – to include intruding in on her son’s – this involvement is not reciprocated by Jeremy or Sebastian. Jeremy has always filled the role of the dutiful elder son, though, and is easily swayed by guilt when it comes to their mother – to a point. He’s become a lot more cut off since moving out to High Shore.  

Jeremy did extend a permanent invitation to his brother Sebastion should he need a place to stay and, when his younger brother’s life fell apart, Jeremy helped fund his brother’s move across country. Though neither of them have really spoken on the matters that have landed both of them in High Shore, the two share a closer relationship since the move.  

Social Aptitude

Jeremy is incredibly easy going. His charisma comes naturally, a trait his brother has long envied. It was a point of contention when they were much younger and going through high school. Jeremy was well liked and easily found a place amongst his peers while Sebastian struggled. While this social grace might lead one to believe Jeremy is the life of the party type, he’s actually quite mellow on his own. He prefers laid back social gatherings to parties though no one would ever say they’ve seen Jeremy uncomfortable – mostly because he’s not. Talking to people and dealing with them, even in high emotional moments, doesn’t tend to overwhelm him.  


That being said, Jeremy is rather dense when it comes to romance or others displaying romantic interest in him. He has only ever been in a handful of very immature relationships throughout middle and high school, before eventually marrying his Senior year girlfriend. He was never the sort to flirt – despite what others might say about his nice demeanor – and he doesn’t seem aware when others are flirting with him. It just doesn’t register. It hits as someone being friendly, which he is happy to reciprocate, but he wouldn’t know the first thing about entering the ‘dating pool’ nor does he want to. Since his divorce and that betrayal, Jeremy has become quite content to be by himself.  


This was never a question posed to Jeremy. Growing up in the normal, or traditional household that the did, it wasn’t something he thought about. He dated girls throughout middle school and high school because they asked him out and it was what one did during that time. His friends seemed to think it a good idea and it didn’t feel wrong, so he said yes. He liked the girls, so he saw no reason to say otherwise.  

Even once Sebastian came out to their family as gay, nothing registered with Jeremy personally. It isn’t something he thinks about – mostly because he’s not looking for a relationship.

Alto Storm is a new arrival to High Shore. A Siren who has moved into the monster city to get away from the crowded human spaces. Though Jeremy has no idea what Alto is, he has easily made space for Alto in his life. Utterly oblivious to the Siren’s interest in him

The door wasn't locked. He could've just... gone in. In another city, anywhere else, and Alto would've cautioned Jeremy not to be so trusting. But High Shore had such a small population and whatever other lived here already knew that Alto and Kaimbe had an interest in the people here. Since disputes were almost forbidden in such close quarters like High Shore, Alto didn't have to worry about anything supernatural creeping in on Jeremy when he wasn't around. Given that Jeremy tended to stay away from the normal residents, that pretty much meant that the man's attention was exclusively Alto's.

Which suited him just fine.


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