Trick / Art / Alter

Technology Fae

Trick is one of those things created or born through the prolific use or expression of a 'thing'. In this case, an electrical or technology 'nymph' or fae. As natural as any other but something 'newer'. He wouldn't be all that odd to the others who'd see him as an offshoot of an elemental fae - sorta what he is - but he's got a 'thing' for electricity and techonolgy. More comfortable in cities and around the buzz of power than he is out in the 'natural' world. Urban fae of a sort. Doesn't age - always acts like he's in his young 20s though his actual age is a little harder to pin down.
  Has a nickname/pseudoname of Art that he's collected because of all the tattoos. A hobby/side hustle of his, both in the receiving of them and the giving. People in certain scenes know him as Art.
  Alter is the name he uses online. Name a thing and he'll figure it out. He views computers, phones, tablets etc like some people might a car. They're nothing particularly special to him - not even the high end shit does anything for him. It's all just a tool. Some of them are a little more tricked out than others, but it all runs the same to him. Hook it up to a power grid, connect it to a network, and it's like putting a car on the road. He'll get it to work and he'll get it to do what he wants. Thus, he doesn't *have* one of his own. He frequently 'borrows' the others because he doesn't care enough to have his own.


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