World Primer

Welcome to Monstrous Addicts

Modern Earth. Supernatural Romance.

“We missed one,” she hummed softly. Her fingers picked at the mess of hair atop the boy’s head. He was a thin thing. A tiny human, malnourished and cold. Vultus could smell the creep of death that hung on the boy.

“Yet you still have him,” Vultus observed as he closed the distance. His presence and warmth momentarily chased away the chill and press of that otherworldly grasp. The shivering boy sighed in relief.

“We’ve never missed one before,” she said as she glanced up at Vultus’ frown.

How They Met

Mood & Theme

World is meant to feel familiar and dark. It is modern, present day with the real draw being the characters and their monstrous counterparts. The general set up is small, remote areas, narrow scenes, and a handful of monsters surrounding a sweet character. All of this set up against some evil, with all the fun drama that comes with it.


The over-arching conflict in the world is the encroachment of the other; the demonic and the eldritch – the unknowable. Within self-contained story in the conflict between the mortal and the immortal. Human against monster. Legends that have been alive become known to a choice few and must remain a secret to the world at large.
by midjourney
by midjourney
by midjourney

Author’s Intent

I like the more hush-hush approach to monsters and legends. They socialize in tiny groups and pockets but there aren’t any monster cities. Pockets like High Shore exist but they’re relatively hidden even from one another. Beyond the veil, so to speak. Many of the monsters are pretty removed from their own kind so if one stray ends up, say, displaced they might very well feel like they’re the only one. Though the monsters will obviously be prevalent in the story, they are rare in the world at large. Demons and eldritch horrors, on the other hand…  

The weather at High Shore was dismally predictable. Cloudy. Rainy. Miserable. Miranda couldn’t remember the last decent day they had with any sort of sunshine. She knew from class that the weather wasn’t abnormal for their area – something about wind and air pressure that blew storms in and kept moisture over the small island – but that didn’t make it any more pleasant.  

This was the place Miranda had grown up. A tiny island, a class of twenty. Graduated. Where most had either taken over the family trade or moved off the island. Miranda was expected to take over the grocery store her mother ran. Her father had left the island when she was young. The only thing she remembered of him was the dark shadow he cast in the bright doorway as he left, calling the island a prison. A stark memory for a little girl. She’d hated him for leaving but that hate rubbed up against resentment at her mother for keeping her there.

Miranda Meets Samuel


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